Habitual dislocation - what is it? By this concept, doctors mean multiple exit of the bone from the joint. At first, it seems that such a state is not at all dangerous, because it is very easy to fix the problem. However, in fact, with regular dislocations, the risk of various complications increases significantly.
Causes of pathology
In the vast majority of all cases, habitual dislocation of the shoulder occurs. Although the pathology can also affect other joints: jaw, elbow, patella.
There can be a huge number of reasons for habitual dislocation.
- Serious damage. It can be a fall from a great height, a traffic accident, a strong blow. It is injuries that are the cause of dislocations in most of all cases.
- Sprain. Such a pathology gradually leads to the fact that damaged ligaments simply cease to cope with their main function - supporting bones and joints.
- Muscle dystrophy. Just like in the case of ligaments, the muscles lose their normal tone, which can even cause the joints to move.
- Osteoarthritis. This diseasecharacterized by weakening of the joint structure.
- Anomalous structure of the bone head. Such a phenomenon may be congenital or a consequence of a previous injury.
- Increased loads. It is physical activity that often causes habitual dislocation, especially if they were used during the rehabilitation period after an operation or illness.
- All kinds of inflammatory processes covering the joints and bones.
- Pathology of intrauterine development.

The habitual dislocation is much more common among men. Moreover, young people, oddly enough, are more susceptible to it.
Symptoms of habitual dislocation
Despite the fact that this pathology can affect different parts of the body, its symptoms are almost the same. Usually, patients independently determine the presence of re-dislocation.
Shoulder injury
Habitual dislocation in this case implies the exit of the head of the bone from the cavity of the joint. Most often, pathology appears in those who have already suffered a serious injury and a reduction procedure. With such damage, the patient may not feel pain at all or it may be mild. But there can be no severe pain with repeated dislocation.

In addition, from the obvious symptoms, one can distinguish swelling that appears in the damaged area. There may also be problems with joint extension.
If a person has already encountered such a problem, then most likely hediscover it on its own. It is also worth saying that in addition to dislocation, a milder form of pathology may develop - joint instability. In such a situation, the head of the bone does not completely emerge from the cavity, but only slightly peeks out. At the same time, the person feels slight discomfort, there is a feeling that the joint is not located correctly.
The more often the dislocation occurs, the more the structure of the joint will collapse. If the victim ignores the symptoms of the pathology, they will gradually increase, causing discomfort.
- Constant aching pain. When attempting to lift something heavy or exercise, the sensations will be more intense.
- Occurrence of a characteristic click or crunch when the shoulder is mobile.
- The appearance of an unusual weakness in the hand. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the muscles in the damaged area gradually undergo atrophy and dystrophy.
- Limited hand movements, feeling of stiffness.

True, it is not so difficult to correct a habitual dislocation, so the patient may well do it on his own.
Injury to the patella
After a serious injury in this area, many people eventually develop a habitual dislocation. Most often, patients are exposed to this pathology:
- with pronounced ligament elasticity;
- with a previously torn ligament that has grown together incorrectly;
- high patella.
For a habitual dislocation in this area, it is not at all necessary to have some kind ofstrong impact, such as a blow or a fall. It may well happen when performing ordinary activities.
As in the case of a shoulder injury, a patella injury is accompanied by mild pain. Only in such a situation do they appear above the knee. In some cases, pain is completely absent. Then the patient may suspect a problem due to the unstable position of the joint and the accompanying discomfort.

Usually, fixing the situation is not difficult at all, and many victims solve the problem themselves. But it's still worth it to see a doctor to determine the causes of the dislocation.
Otherwise, with repeated pathology, the structure of the joints will collapse, which will lead to many other diseases in the future.
Dislocated jaw
The following factors can provoke the development of pathology:
- various pathologies affecting the jaw area - epilepsy, rheumatism, encephalitis;
- incorrect treatment of common dislocation;
- disturbances in the endocrine system;
- malocclusion;
- defects in the structure of the jaw itself;
- dental procedures.

If the clinical picture is running, habitual dislocation can occur even at the moment of yawning or screaming.
Main signs of damage
Most often, the pathology does not manifest itself, but sometimes patients still complain of some symptoms.
- Crunching in the affectedarea when opening the mouth or chewing. At the same time, the jaw itself moves in a zigzag.
- Frequent dull pain that becomes more intense at the time of chewing food. Sometimes it radiates to the temple area, the back of the head and the area behind the ears.
- When opening the mouth, the jaw moves to the side.
A habitual dislocation of the jaw requires surgery to reduce the length of the ligaments or reposition the displaced bone.
To detect a habitual dislocation can: orthopedist, traumatologist, surgeon. First of all, the doctor examines the victim. During the examination, the suspected diagnosis is most often confirmed. But for its completeness, the patient is still recommended to undergo an examination.
- X-ray. The picture shows the abnormal placement of the joint in detail. For a more accurate result, x-rays are taken from several angles.
- MRI and CT. These techniques are used in situations where it is necessary to assess the structure of bone tissue and nearby muscles. In addition, tomography is indicated for patients with complex dislocations, in which bone fragments remain inside.
- Arthroscopy. This procedure provides an opportunity to assess the condition of the joint in detail. Arthroscopy is needed not so much to diagnose a dislocation as to determine its initial causes.

All other procedures are assigned to patients on an individual basis.
How habitual dislocations are treated
Therapy starts immediately after a full examination and confirmationpresumptive diagnosis. Treatment of habitual dislocation of the joint depends on the characteristics of its structure, the state of the body and the nature of the damage. There are only two options for therapy: conservative and surgical. Treatment of dislocation without surgical intervention is, of course, more preferable, but it is far from being effective in all cases.

Conservative Therapy
Such treatment can be recommended for a person who has had no more than two or three dislocations. Otherwise, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.
Conservative therapy involves an integrated approach. It consists of several basic procedures.
- Sessions of manual and therapeutic massage. Such procedures not only eliminate muscle tension, but also contribute to improved blood flow in the damaged area.
- Therapeutic exercise. The systematic implementation of special exercises makes it possible to strengthen muscles and significantly increase the elasticity of tendons and ligaments. This technique is very often used to treat habitual dislocation of the patella.
- Reflexology. To most people, this procedure is known as acupuncture. Today, it is no secret to anyone that by influencing specific points of the body, it is possible to significantly speed up the process of tissue repair and improve the condition of the whole organism.
- Physiotherapy treatments. One of the most important components of complex therapy. Physiotherapy treatments are used to speed up the recovery processinjured tissues and improve blood flow.
Among other things, the treatment can be supplemented with certain medications, at the discretion of the doctor. Most often, in such cases, doctors recommend vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants.
Most often, patients with a diagnosis of "habitual dislocation" are scheduled for surgery. There are several different surgical techniques available. The choice of a specific technique is made, depending on the initial causes of habitual dislocation.
The operation can be directed to:
- strengthening muscles and ligaments;
- changing the structure of the joint;
- implant placement;
- combination of several described techniques.
The most common surgical intervention for dislocation of the shoulder, elbow, patella is carried out according to the Bankart method. The essence of such an operation is to fix the head of the bone by strengthening the capsule and cartilage.
There are two ways to perform surgery for habitual dislocation.
- Classic operation. With this technique, the surgeon cuts soft tissues with a scalpel. Such an intervention provides the doctor with the maximum possible overview and access to damaged structures, but at the same time, the classical method is considered more traumatic. In addition, there is too high a risk of infection and a lot of blood loss.
- Endoscopic surgery. With habitual dislocation, such an intervention is morepreferred. In this case, the surgeon makes two small incisions in the soft tissues, through which he inserts special devices with cameras. Of course, such an intervention is tolerated by a person much easier. Usually, after such an operation, the patient does not even need to stay in the hospital. It is noteworthy that the risk of infection and bleeding with endoscopic intervention is minimal.

The vast majority of doctors prefer endoscopic surgery for habitual dislocation. It is not difficult to perform such an intervention on the shoulder joint, patella, jaw, elbow and any other part of the body, especially if the clinic has all the necessary equipment.
Rehabilitation period
This step is considered as important as the operation itself. So you should not treat the rehabilitation period superficially, in many ways it is on the patient that his recovery depends. If the victim does not follow all the recommendations, most likely the damage will happen again.
In case of habitual dislocation of the shoulder after surgery, the restored joint is fixed with a splint or plaster. If the patella has been injured, a tight bandage or orthosis is used. After about a month, all supporting devices are removed. It is from this moment that the period of active development of the damaged joint should begin. To do this, the patient is recommended to attend massage sessions, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

In each case, the recovery time may be different. But on average, rehabilitation lasts approximately 4-8 months. Although it depends on the age, sex of the patient and the characteristics of his body.
Probable Complications
Acute joint dislocation can often lead to quite serious consequences, such as damage to nerve receptors and blood vessels, but repeated trauma rarely leads to such complications. But despite the fact that the usual dislocation is rarely accompanied by pain and does not carry a great danger, do not forget: it can also cause various complications.
Repeated injuries can sooner or later provoke the development of such problems:
- protrusion of the capsule;
- rupture of tendons and ligaments;
- bone destruction;
- atrophy and degeneration of ligaments and muscles.
So do not ignore the pathology - when a habitual dislocation appears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the initial cause of the anomaly and eliminate it.