Prostatitis and psychosomatics: the psychological cause of the disease

Prostatitis and psychosomatics: the psychological cause of the disease
Prostatitis and psychosomatics: the psychological cause of the disease

In the article we will consider the psychosomatics of prostatitis.

This is a pathology that mainly affects middle-aged and older men. However, in recent years, the disease often occurs in younger patients. There is a connection between the occurrence of symptoms of the disease and some psychological abnormalities provoked by the lack of a regular sexual life.

Frequent urge to urinate is the main symptom of prostatitis. In 100% of cases, this pathology leads to the development of impotence. In neglected situations, oncological diseases develop.

Prostatitis and psychosomatics
Prostatitis and psychosomatics

What does the term "prostatitis psychosomatics" mean?

Alternative Medical Practice

This is a type of alternative medical practice that studies the influence of psychological factors on the development of diseases at the physical level. Many experts argue that there is a direct relationship between chronic manifestations of prostatitis and the presence of various sexualdisorders. According to most doctors and scientists, chronic prostatitis develops under the influence of many psychogenic and nervous disorders.

Some experts are of the opinion that infrequent sex life is becoming one of the main causes of prostatitis. In addition, with this disease, a man may experience severe pain and thus, sexual disorders of various kinds are added.

Prostatitis and psychosomatics

When studying this relationship, scientists indicate that psychological abnormalities are observed, as a rule, in men who have signs of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

If we study the statistics, it turns out that prostatitis is more likely to affect men who are not sexually active or who have sexual contacts extremely rarely. When making a diagnosis and further therapy, this fact must be taken into account.

Erectile dysfunction

Considering the psychosomatics of prostatitis in men, it is worth noting that erectile dysfunction often becomes the initial impetus for the development of the disease.

Thus, in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, not only a urologist, but also a psychotherapist, and perhaps the second specialist will play a more important role in the treatment. Therefore, the disease must be considered from different angles.

Find out what Louise Hay thinks about the psychosomatics of prostatitis?

Psychosomatics of prostatitis: Louise Hay
Psychosomatics of prostatitis: Louise Hay

Louise Hay Ideas

American writer Louise Hay is one offounders of the self-help movement. She has written over 30 popular psychological books. The main idea of her work explains that the destructive emotions, bad feelings experienced by a young man, are the main culprit in the development of bodily diseases and psychological problems. Louise is convinced that by applying specific tools, anyone can change their own thinking and cure the body of a variety of diseases.

Louise Hay even made a special table that explains the most likely causes of a disease on a psychological level. This table reveals not only the causes of pathological phenomena, but also gives the necessary advice on what to do to get rid of the disease.

What is the psychology of prostatitis?

Principle symbol

The author calls the prostate a symbol of principle, and in order for this organ to function smoothly, a man needs to fully accept his masculinity and be satisfied with it. And the pathology of the prostate, as a rule, is due to the presence of internal fears that depress masculinity. This happens when a man experiences sexual overexertion, begins to give up and begins to feel guilty, he begins to think about his aging.

Louise Hay advises men in such a situation to sincerely love themselves and approve of everything, believe in their own strengths and constantly convince themselves of the eternal youth of the spirit.

Experiences contributing to the development of prostatitis

The most common experiences that psychosomatics explainsprostatitis in young men are:

Prostatitis: causes
Prostatitis: causes
  1. The prostate is a gland that secretes a special juice that is also present in semen. It is directly related to the functions of reproduction and procreation. For example, if a man is worried about the he alth of his children or grandchildren, his mind on a subconscious level pushes this organ to work more efficiently, as a result, the prostate begins to increase in size. The causes of psychosomatics of prostatitis must be clarified.
  2. Prostate juice has an alkaline composition, which is provided by nature in order to protect spermatozoa in the acidic environment of a woman's genitals. If the acidity of the vagina of the sexual partner is increased, the spermatozoa do not survive. The human subconscious gives the command to increase the alkaline secretion in order to neutralize the woman's excessive acid, and this also leads to an increase in the size of the prostate and the development of prostatitis. Simply put, negative family relationships can become a factor in the occurrence of prostatitis.
  3. The juice of the gland contains substances whose action is aimed at cleansing the urinary tract from microbes. In the case when a man is ashamed of his sexual adventures, for example, in the presence of marital infidelity on his part, the subconscious of such a patient pushes the gland to inflammation, solving the issue of "cleansing" not only the reproductive organs, but also the conscience.
  4. Strong experiences of a man bordering on stress. The prostate gland is often called the "second heart" of a man, andthis is due not only to their external similarity. When a person is worried, people say that his "heart hurts", such a condition can develop into prostatitis or something even more serious.
  5. Psychosomatics of prostatitis in young men
    Psychosomatics of prostatitis in young men

Psychological causes of prostatitis

Prostate he alth problems appear in old age, when the period of impotence approaches. A man gradually loses control over situations that were previously in his power. Many men perceive the first manifestations of erectile dysfunction very painfully. As a result, they begin to exaggerate their condition, and pay too much attention to this problem. The patient subconsciously expects the next failure in sexual relations. This often applies not only to older, but also to fairly young men.

Provoking factors

Psychosomatic nuances of prostatitis are such that one of the following factors can give rise to its occurrence:

  1. Hyperconcern about your he alth, congenital anxiety. This condition can occur at a very young age, during the first sexual experience, or as a result of sexual intercourse failure.
  2. Fear of not recovering or having doubts about the correctness of therapy. Prostatitis is easily treatable, especially if it is diagnosed early, but many patients tend to over-dramatize the situation and can't get rid of obsessive thoughts that the disease can develop into something dangerous for which there is no cure.
  3. Anxiety about the loss of potency. Although failure in bed was caused by severe fatigue or a side effect of some medications taken, many men consider this the result of a terrible disease.
  4. Fear of consequences.
  5. Prostatitis: treatment
    Prostatitis: treatment

If you do not turn to a specialist who can help in solving such a psychological problem in time, the situation may worsen. When a man turns to a doctor for drug therapy, without having psychological support, then at any stage of treatment he may be haunted by thoughts about the futility of treatment. The patient himself does not notice how he begins to wind himself up that it will not be possible to recover, which means that his family will fall apart or the woman he loves will leave him, and so on. A man loses his appetite, is very worried, and sometimes even falls into a deep depression. Such negative thoughts become the cause of the development of the disease.

On the connection between prostatitis and psychosomatics, few people guess.

Female Influence

Many psychologists say that the cause of prostatitis must be sought in women who are nearby or have had an influence on the patient in the past. Grandmothers, mother, educators and teachers - relationships with them in childhood form the future models of a man's behavior. It is they who, by their example, demonstrate what a woman is and how to treat her.

Like any other diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammation of the prostate indicates problems in relations with the oppositefloor. If a man misbehaves with women, often insults, humiliates them, then in most cases he has diseases of the reproductive system.

What is the treatment of psychosomatic prostatitis?

Prostatitis and psychosomatics: connection
Prostatitis and psychosomatics: connection


Therapy of psychosomatic prostatitis aims to stop all the above psychological problems. Only an experienced specialist can find the right approach in each individual situation and prescribe the most effective treatment.

The following therapeutic techniques are used in most situations:

  1. The psychotherapist needs to talk with the patient, and the purpose of such a conversation will be to normalize his psychosomatic state. The conversation should not contain negativity, the doctor should distract the patient from disturbing thoughts, which provoke the onset of symptoms of the disease.
  2. If such conversations are not enough to eliminate the existing problem, then the doctor connects to the list of medicines aimed at treating prostatitis, also means, the action of which will stabilize the psychological state of a man, helping him get out of a depressive state with the help of medicines.
  3. In this situation, physiotherapeutic procedures, such as massage, mineral baths, acupuncture, mud therapy, can have a beneficial effect on the course of therapy. Such treatments promote peace and relaxation.
  4. If the treatment is not chosen correctly and positive results are not observed, then there aresigns of psychoneurological abnormalities. It is extremely important to detect them in a timely manner, find out the cause of their development and respond correctly, most often with the help of medicines.
  5. Psychology of prostatitis
    Psychology of prostatitis

The sooner the cause of the psychosomatics of prostatitis in men is identified, the more chances the patient has to recover, and the lower the likelihood of gross violations of the psycho-emotional state.


If some of the above psychosomatic abnormalities are observed in the behavior of a man, it is recommended to take preventive measures to avoid the development of pathology in the future.

In situations where nothing foreshadows the development of an ailment, and a man suffers from obsessions about the negative development of events due to a single failure in bed, he must be convinced that a single case of sexual impotence is not considered a pathology and does not indicate the onset of the disease. In no case should a sexual partner turn away from a man in this psychological state. She should talk to him about it, support him.

In the article we examined the psychosomatics of prostatitis.
