Every third patient is diagnosed with caries of varying degrees. Treatment of medium caries is carried out exclusively in the clinic. You can relieve pain before a visit to a specialist with medicines or folk remedies.
Medium caries occurs after the initial one and, if appropriate therapy is not carried out, leads to complications and the development of surface destruction (enamel, dentin). In most cases, the patient does not notice severe symptoms, which contributes to a further change in the appearance of the tooth. Medium caries develops on the contact part. To exclude pathology, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures.
Clinical picture
In modern dentistry, 4 stages of caries are distinguished - initial, superficial, medium, deep. Each stage of the disease is characterized by certain signs and the degree of damage to the tooth enamel. Treatment of medium and deep caries is carried out in several steps, sohow dentine decay is observed.

In this situation, the patient may complain of pain, as the pulp is affected. In such a situation, treatment is difficult. If you refuse therapy, then there is a chance to be left without a tooth, since its complete destruction will occur. Caries of the middle stage is diagnosed without significant problems using a special dental instrument.
In modern dentistry, there are two types of this disease - acute and chronic. The acute form develops rapidly, there are severe symptoms, it is easily diagnosed. Dentists note the presence of a small hole that has fragile and sharp edges, loose dentin with a dark color.
As for the chronic form, it can occur over a long period of time without pronounced symptoms. In this case, the gradual destruction of dentin and enamel occurs. The hole gets big enough. Medium caries should be treated immediately.
Provoking factors
There are several reasons why carious disease occurs. These include the following:
- pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, provoking the destruction of tooth enamel and dentin;
- malnutrition, the main part of the diet consists of carbohydrates, which negatively affects not only the state of the oral cavity, but also the performance of the whole organism;
- reducing the resistance of hard tissues of the tooth topathogenic microflora;
- poor oral hygiene and malocclusion;
- heredity;
- presence of tartar and plaque;
- poor immunity;
- increased and persistent gum bleeding;
- deficiency of calcium and vitamins in the body;
- bad habits, frequent consumption of foods and drinks with high sugar content.

Provoking factors, to a greater extent, do not have a significant effect on the treatment of superficial and medium caries. The listed reasons are the main ones for patients of the younger age category. Diseases occurring in the body that change the composition of saliva negatively affect the condition of the teeth.
It must be remembered that the treatment of medium caries helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but if the patient continues to observe some signs after therapy, you need to contact a specialist for additional advice. This form of the disease does not appear immediately and not very intensively. The first thing the patient may pay attention to is the reaction of the teeth to certain foods with a high content of sugar, s alt or acid. There are also short-term pain sensations after taking cold or hot drinks.
In dental practice, there are cases when pain may be absent, as replacement tissue is formed in the carious cavity. The patient observes darkening of the enamel in the affected area, a small hole and an unpleasant odor from the mouth.cavities. The chronic stage, as mentioned earlier, can develop over a long period asymptomatically, and then manifest itself in the form of intense pain, as a nerve or tooth root will be affected. Treatment of medium caries of this form is carried out immediately.

Differential Diagnosis
To correctly determine the stage of caries, differential diagnosis should be carried out. It is possible to distinguish the middle form of this disease without problems, since it has certain signs. But in any case, for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to exclude such pathologies of the oral cavity as:
- Wedge-shaped flaw.
- Deep stage of carious destruction.
- Periodontitis.
- Erosive destruction of the tooth surface.
Each of these pathologies has distinctive features. A wedge-shaped defect is diagnosed in the neck of the tooth, with a smooth surface, in contrast to caries. The wedge is directed inside the oral cavity, there is no damage to the nerve chamber. A cavity is noted, which is a general similarity between the two pathologies.
The deep stage of a carious lesion is characterized by significant pain during the examination. The specialist may notice the release of blood with an unpleasant odor.
Periodontitis has severe symptoms. The inflammatory process is observed constantly, may repeat after a long remission. Instrumental examination for this pathology is not carried out. Erosivedestruction is often confused with caries, but still the pathology has its own distinctive points, such as a smooth surface, lack of hypersensitivity when interacting with an irritant.

How many stages of treatment of medium caries will be carried out is decided only after examining the oral cavity and the affected area. In any situation, a disease of this type is eliminated only in a clinic setting. Preventive measures are also determined by a specialist.
During the examination, attention is paid to the density of the bottom of the carious cavity, the location of the hole, the color of the tooth, the nature and intensity of pain.
Most common diagnostic measures:
- Probing. In parallel, the patient's pain reaction to the procedure being performed is monitored.
- X-rays help determine the location of lesions and their depth.
- Electroodontodiagnostics involves the impact of electric current on the affected area. Refers to a variety of differential diagnosis. Helps to assess the depth of the cavity and the condition of the pulp.
- Thermal test sets the level of pain when exposed to an irritating factor.

Basically, an instrumental examination is enough to clearly say what stage and what treatment of medium caries is required. The price will depend on many factors, for example, on the drugs used during the procedure, the intensity of the lesion,clinic level.
Treatment involves the preparation of damaged areas, which is carried out gradually, namely:
- Removal of damaged tooth margin and softened dentine.
- Disinfection of the cavity, cleansing it from the remnants of destroyed tissue.
- Filling.
During each stage, the specialist uses certain tools. Particular attention is paid to lighting. After preparation, the cavity is treated with antiseptic, degreased and thoroughly dried.
Before the filling is placed, the inside of the tooth is covered with a special substance. After the material is exposed to light radiation or chemical treatment. This is necessary for the filling to become solid. Then it is corrected, sometimes several times, to achieve comfort when clenching the jaw.
Treatment of secondary caries in children
The middle stage of this dental disease develops and proceeds in the same way as in adults. The symptoms are not much different. To prevent further destructive process in the dentin, you need to regularly visit the dental office, carry out timely treatment and preventive measures.

If we exclude the stage-by-stage treatment of secondary caries in a child, this will lead to serious irreversible consequences - intensive destruction of dentin, inflammation of the pulp. A severely damaged tooth is removed and a special implant is inserted, which eliminates malocclusion and displacement of the dentition. It is worth remembering that caries can be diagnosed later on the child's molars.
For filling, other materials are used, designed for children's teeth, but no less high quality. The cost of treating secondary caries in children is different, depending on various factors.

The prognosis will be favorable with the quality and correct implementation of the procedure. If untreated areas or destroyed tissue remain under the filling, then caries further progresses and leads to an inflammatory process of the pulp and nerve, root destruction.
With poor-quality treatment, periodontitis with its complications should not be ruled out in the future. As a result, the patient will experience the corresponding unpleasant symptoms, causing considerable discomfort. If you ignore the development of pathology, tooth loss is not excluded.
Prevention measures
For oral he alth, you must follow the recommendations of a specialist. These include:
- timely treatment of pathologies and inflammatory processes;
- regular preventive dental visits;
- proper and balanced nutrition;
- observance of oral hygiene;
- exclusion from the diet of too cold or hot food, temperature changes;
- giving up bad habits (tobacco smoking);
- eating hard and soft foods equally.
It is necessary to regularly carry out professional cleaning of teeth from soft and hardraid. The specialist will help you choose the means for oral care. All the recommendations made will help to exclude such a serious disease as caries.