"Stomatofit": analogues, their comparison and reviews

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"Stomatofit": analogues, their comparison and reviews
"Stomatofit": analogues, their comparison and reviews

Video: "Stomatofit": analogues, their comparison and reviews

Video: Maxiclear Cold & Nasal Relief 'Research' 15sec TVC 2024, July

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A common problem with which patients go to the dentist is inflammation of the oral mucosa. A specialist can identify the clinical manifestations of several diseases at once: bacterial, viral and fungal. More than a hundred different microorganisms live in the oral cavity. When exposed to adverse external factors, pathogens begin to grow, which leads to inflammatory processes. Studies have shown that the drug "Stomatofit" (an analogue works the same way) is a promising medicine that minimizes the clinical manifestations of several diseases of the oral cavity at once.

stomatofit analogue
stomatofit analogue

Before use, you need to study everything related to the pharmacological agent "Stomatofit". Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues - the subject of our review.

Composition and release form

Lowered agent in the form of a topical rinse solution. The active substances containedconsisting of:

  • arnica herb;
  • calamus;
  • common thyme;
  • sage and mint leaves;
  • oak bark;
  • chamomile flowers.

In addition to the active substance, stomatofit contains formative compounds. The solution is available in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 45 and 120 ml. Placed in a cardboard box, comes with a measuring cup, instructions for use. The date of manufacture and the expiration date of the drug are stamped on the box itself. Available without a doctor's prescription.


Polish company "Fitopharm" introduced the drug "Stomatofit" to the market of pharmacological services. An analogue of a drug is, as a rule, a pharmacological agent from other manufacturers, but the names are identical. Solution types:

  1. "Stomatofit". Obtained by extracting medicinal plants with alcohol. It is a liquid substance, brown in color with a characteristic smell of alcohol.
  2. "Stomatofit A". The letter A indicates the presence of an anesthetic in the composition, which helps to relieve pain. Available as a thick dark solution.
  3. "Stomatofit Fresh". A distinctive feature is the absence of alcohol. But the solution is enriched with essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, sage, thyme, also contains menthol, eucalyptus, xylitol. Release form - for adults and children.
stomatofit price analogues
stomatofit price analogues


"Stomatofit" (analog, and any, gives a similareffect) is a complex remedy that is used not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of inflammatory diseases. The composition is formed in such a way that there is an effect on several groups of microorganisms at once, which can cause inflammation. Pros:

  • Affects microorganisms in a complex, that is, several species at once.
  • Does not disturb the balance of microflora.
  • The patient feels comfort, freshness that stays for a long time.
  • Minimum price for "Stomatofit" solution. You can’t wear analogues cheaper.

Indications for use

Pharmacological agent has found wide application due to its complex action. It helps not only to disinfect the oral cavity, but also to fight inflammation. Helps stop bleeding, acts on fungi, has an analgesic effect. You can use the medication not only for adults, but also for children.

stomatofit analogs for use
stomatofit analogs for use

It is prescribed for stomatitis, gum disease, inflammation of the tongue, bleeding gums, fungal infection of the oral mucosa, pyoinflammatory infections. "Stomatofit" (analogs for use do not differ from it) can be used to prevent gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease and many other diseases. Helps to get rid of bad breath.


Before preparing the rinse solution, shake the bottle several times. The kit comes with a measuring cup, with its help it is necessary to measure 7.5 ml of the product, dilute with 50 mlwarm water. The solution is thoroughly mixed before use.

The patient should take a sip of the solution into the mouth, rinse for a few seconds, trying to pass the solution between the teeth, washing the gums. Repeat the procedure until the solution runs out. Up to 4 procedures are done during the day.

In some cases, the dentist recommends not rinsing the mouth with a solution, but applying it to the damaged areas with a cotton swab. It is necessary to carry out the procedure three times a day.

As a preventive measure, you need to measure 10 milliliters of the solution, dilute with the required amount of warm water. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, once a day is sufficient.

After using the drug, do not eat for half an hour. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.

stomatofit instructions for use price analogues
stomatofit instructions for use price analogues

Important! The course of treatment is compiled by a doctor. Based on the results of therapy, if necessary, the specialist may prescribe a second course.

Features of use in pregnant women

If you pay attention to the instructions, then there is no complete ban on the use of "Stomatofit" during pregnancy. It is indicated that a woman needs to consult her doctor before using it. As a result, the specialist may allow or prohibit the use of "Stomatofit". He will offer an analogue if there is a risk for a woman or a child.

And the ban may be due to the fact that the composition contains alcohol. Although the fundsare used for gargling, in any case, preparations with alcohol are not recommended. In addition, the herbs contained in the composition may affect milk production, for example, sage.

Peculiarities of use in children

Use the product for children with caution, as medicinal plants have an allergic effect. The use of funds is possible only after reaching 6 years. For these purposes, a children's version of the drug "Stomatofit" is bought. The composition prevents inflammatory reactions, helps protect against caries.

Baby solution does not need to be diluted with water, you just need to measure a certain amount of the product, rinse your mouth. It is forbidden to swallow medicines, adults should explain this to children.

stomatofit reviews analogues
stomatofit reviews analogues


In most cases, the solution only benefits. An exception is patients with intolerance to the components of the drug. On rare occasions, maybe:

  • Teeth discoloration that gradually subsides;
  • herbs can cause allergic reactions.

Important! If sensitivity to the drug is observed, stop taking the drug "Stomatofit" (an analogue may in this case become an alternative). Read about similar products below.

"Stomatofit": reviews, analogues

Analogues are means that are similar in active substance, composition. In the drug "Stomatofit", an analogue of an identical composition was not found. There is simply no complete match for active ingredients.

However, there are drugs that are quite similar in clinical effect. Depending on the composition, prices for the drug "Stomatofit" differ. Analogues are not cheaper, and here is their list.

  1. Dent drops.
  2. "Dentinox".
  3. "Kamident He alth", release form - gel.
  4. Oak bark.
  5. Sage leaves.
  6. "Angilex". This is a rinse solution. This tool has no contraindications, age restrictions. Can be used after surgery.
  7. "Colustan" is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, some infections of the nasopharynx.
  8. "Grammidin". Used for pain that needs to be urgently relieved.
  9. "Chlorhexidine".
  10. "Tantum Verde".
stomatofit instructions for use price reviews analogues
stomatofit instructions for use price reviews analogues

Distinctive feature: Stomatofit costs relatively little, analogues will cost more. Depending on the dosage, form of release, it may vary. Average cost: from 120 to 250 rubles.

If you turn your attention to the reviews of patients who have already used "Stomatofit", then you will not find any negative ones. As a rule, parents, patients themselves note a positive result from use.

Important! The drug is produced on the basis of alcohol, which is why it is usedneeded with caution. Do not drive after use.

stomatofit analogue
stomatofit analogue

Storage conditions

Keep in a dark, dry place, away from children. Otherwise, the pharmacological agent may lose its properties. Shelf life - no more than 3 years.

When stored at the bottom of the bottle, a precipitate forms, the solution becomes cloudy, but do not worry, this is the norm. Shake the bottle well before use.

stomatofit analogue
stomatofit analogue


We reviewed the drug "Stomatofit". Instructions for use, price, analogues are also not ignored. Having studied this topic, we can conclude that at the minimum cost, the patient acquires a high-quality, effective herbal remedy.
