Effective antibiotics for cystitis

Effective antibiotics for cystitis
Effective antibiotics for cystitis

"Which antibiotic is best for cystitis?" - this question is often discussed by women among themselves. Since it is the weaker sex that is more often faced with this intimate and unpleasant problem. But it is dangerous to follow the principle of “helping another – help me too”. The selection of drugs should be strictly individual in this case.

Antibiotics for cystitis

The drug, dose and duration of treatment should be established only by a specialist (urologist) after an examination and laboratory tests. Frequent cystitis in women is associated with a short length of the urinary canal - this contributes to the penetration of infections into the bladder. The disease often takes a chronic form. An acute current occurs suddenly and is quite capable of putting a woman to bed, depriving her of her ability to work. Most often, antibiotics for cystitis are necessary, since the disease is infectious in nature. The causative agents are enterococci and streptococci. Non-infectious cystitis can be triggered by taking certain medications. In acute cases, the temperature may rise, nausea may occur. The most common symptoms are pain and pain in the suprapubic region, cloudingurine, the appearance of sediment in it. After an examination, the doctor will most often prescribe fluorofinolone antibiotics.

treatment of cystitis in women with antibiotics
treatment of cystitis in women with antibiotics

A drug like Norbactin is very effective for bladder infections due to its broad spectrum of action. If there are no complications, the inflammatory process stops within 5 days of taking it. If the infection has become chronic, it will take at least 12 days. When taking Norbactin, drink plenty of water. Since antimicrobial drugs in general (and this drug in particular) are often used for bladder infections, microorganisms develop resistance to them. In this case, antibiotics for cystitis can still help, but they need to be selected more carefully.

Other drugs

what is the best antibiotic for cystitis
what is the best antibiotic for cystitis

The medicine "Unidox Solutab" has good efficiency due to the fact that many microorganisms are sensitive to it. The active substance of this drug belongs to the group of third-generation cephalosporins. If such antibiotics are used for cystitis, they have an additional bactericidal effect. The drug "Unidox Solutab" can be taken once a day.

Monural drug

Treatment of cystitis in women with antibiotics is effectively carried out with the help of phosphonic acid derivatives. Among them is the drug "Monural". It is produced in granules and has a wide spectrum of action. Its advantages: does not bind to blood proteins, maintains the required concentration (accumulating inurine) for two days. Bacteria do not lose sensitivity to it. The drug "Monural" is very safe and also quite affordable. It is taken at night after the last urination. The very first sachet effectively stops inflammation and eliminates painful symptoms. Despite the seeming safety of the latest generation of drugs, do not self-medicate and visit a urologist if signs of cystitis appear.
