Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it? Indications, preparation and procedure

Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it? Indications, preparation and procedure
Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it? Indications, preparation and procedure

Improper diet and bad habits deal a blow to the he alth of any person. This is manifested in the fact that over time, symptoms of chronic diseases of internal organs appear. The sooner the treatment of bowel diseases is started, the more likely it is to achieve a long-term remission. However, patients almost always neglect this rule and turn to a gastroenterologist even when diet and medication do not help to improve the condition. Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it? This is a modern procedure that will help cleanse the intestines of toxins. The article describes the step-by-step passage of the IOC, the degree of pain, as well as the possible consequences of the procedure.

Monitor bowel cleansing - what is it?

The number of patients being diagnosed with bowel disease is on the rise these days. In the long term, these conditions may lead todevelopment of peptic ulcer, erosion, internal bleeding (which, in turn, is fatal). Monitor bowel cleansing can alleviate the patient's condition, as well as serve as an excellent prevention of aggravation of processes. What it is? The term has several synonyms that refer to the same procedure.

Intestinal lavage (or AIOC, monitor bowel cleansing, hydrocolonotherapy, as this procedure is also called) is a hardware procedure, the purpose of which is to wash and cleanse the intestines with a special aqueous solution. During the procedure, about 20 liters of fluid passes through the patient's intestines. AIOC not only has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines, but also improves the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Since all organs of the gastrointestinal tract are connected, and a malfunction of one leads to a malfunction of the other, a positive effect on the intestines has a beneficial effect on the stomach, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. Digestion is normalized, the patient does not suffer from bloating and belching. Of course, the benefits of AMOC (monitor bowel cleansing) should be supported by subsequent proper nutrition. If after the procedure you violate the recommended regimen, then the negative symptoms will very quickly return again.

pros and cons of AIOC
pros and cons of AIOC

Where can I do the AIOC procedure?

The procedure can be performed in medical centers, in large spa therapy centers, and some beauty salons also provide this service. At the same time, the pricefor its implementation depends on the solution used, as well as on the cost and quality of the AIOC apparatus. How much does monitor colon cleansing cost?

In an ordinary metropolis, prices for colon hydrotherapy vary from 1,500 to 5,000 thousand rubles. In this case, various solutions can be used: either plain distilled water, or mixtures of medicinal herbs, or solutions of pharmacological preparations that soothe the mucous membrane and normalize the microflora.

what it is
what it is

Goals of the IOC

The goals are:

  • wash out of the intestinal cavity toxins, fecal stones, eggs of parasites;
  • get rid of toxins;
  • improve the condition of the intestinal mucosa (this is achieved by washing with solutions of soothing herbs or special pharmacological preparations).

A he althy body is able to get rid of toxins and waste products that accumulate in the intestinal cavity as a result of malnutrition and parasitic invasions without outside help. However, the more this kind of toxins becomes, the more general and local immunity decreases - this is facilitated by the development of dysbacteriosis. After such processes, the body is no longer able to independently get rid of pathogenic microflora, parasitic invasions and toxins. This is where monitor bowel cleansing comes to the rescue. Reviews of gastroenterologists report that in the absence of contraindications, this procedure should be performed by all people over 20 years old with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often timely colon hydrotherapycan prevent unpleasant consequences of colitis, gastritis, etc.

indications for colon hydrotherapy
indications for colon hydrotherapy

Pros of the procedure

Pros and cons of the procedure:

  • normalization of bowel function;
  • constipation disappears;
  • the appearance of the skin improves - inflammation disappears, color evens out, a he althy glow appears, dark circles under the eyes decrease;
  • weight loss from 1 to 5 kilograms in one treatment;
  • tummy becomes flatter;
  • puffiness decreases;
  • immunity increases as normal microflora is restored;
  • become less pronounced symptoms of other diseases of the internal organs.
monitor bowel cleansing contraindications
monitor bowel cleansing contraindications

Cons of the procedure

In addition to pluses, the procedure has a number of minuses. Reviews of monitor bowel cleansing report that patients are not always delighted with the result of the procedure. Often the patient expects a greater effect than what was received.

Some gastroenterologists believe that ABOC (hardware monitoring bowel cleansing) is, simply put, "money down the drain", and the result of the procedure is a placebo effect. This opinion is popular among old-school gastroenterologists. The very concept of "slagging of the intestines" causes some certified gastroenterologists to smile condescendingly. According to them, the claims that the large intestine is filled with toxic fecal stones look complete.absurdity. However, the opinions of other doctors who have seen the result of the procedure with their own eyes are radically different.

Monitoring bowel cleansing procedure is not natural for the human body. Together with toxins and parasites, part of the beneficial microflora of the large intestine is also washed out. Even healing solutions are often unable to restore it to the proper level. This is the main disadvantage of the procedure.

For what diagnoses is MOC prescribed

Given all the pros and cons of colon hydrotherapy, the patient must independently decide whether this procedure is appropriate, taking into account its indications and contraindications.

IOC should be carried out in the following cases:

  • digestive disorders of various etiologies;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, stomach (only after approval by a gastroenterologist and passing the necessary tests);
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of urological and gynecological etiology;
  • intoxication of the body, after the acute stage has passed;
  • asthenia, weakness, lack of vitality, pallor of the skin;
  • Overweight caused by malnutrition.

Preparation for the procedure

Often before the procedure, patients show excitement. In fact, the process of preparing for the AIOC is quite simple.

  1. 2-3 days before undergoing colon hydrotherapy, adhere to a sparing diet: do not eat fatty and starchy foods, stop drinking alcoholdrinks. Rye bread, canned food, sausages, fast food, pork, strong black tea and coffee, confectionery products with an abundance of margarine in their composition, fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content are prohibited.
  2. Remove gas-producing foods from your diet.
  3. Within two days before the start of the procedure, the patient should take two or three servings of "Espumizan" or another drug that eliminates excess gas formation.
  4. IOC apparatus
    IOC apparatus

Step by step procedure

Often, patients are worried before undergoing the first procedure, they are worried about whether it will hurt, how long the procedure lasts. After the patient gets acquainted with the step-by-step plan of the procedure, the fear disappears. The AIOC should be performed by a competent specialist who knows and knows how to use the apparatus for monitoring bowel cleansing. The large intestine has several curves, during which the hose should be advanced with particular care - this requires knowledge of the anatomy of the intestine and skill in working with the apparatus.

Step by step description of the procedure:

  • a clinical picture of the patient's condition is compiled, all the pros and cons of undergoing AIOC for a particular person are weighed;
  • after the doctor examines the patient, they change into special disposable clothes;
  • the area of the rectum is treated with special anesthetics for external use - this makes the procedure almost painless, the patient feels only slight discomfort;
  • helies down on the couch, two tubes are inserted into the rectum: through one liquid it enters, through the other it decreases;
  • fluid supply rate is calculated by the machine so that the solution flows at the most comfortable speed;
  • fluid is pumped out, after which the patient is given time to lie down and inquire about his well-being.

If the procedure was successful, then after half an hour you can safely go home and begin your daily duties.

Result of the procedure

Reviews of monitor bowel cleansing report that after the procedure, the following improvements in well-being and appearance are observed:

  • skin smoothes, wrinkles soften, inflammation disappears;
  • digestion normalizes;
  • weight loss;
  • the stomach becomes more toned, flatter.

These are the changes that are noticeable immediately after the procedure. Much depends on how the patient will eat after the procedure. If, a couple of days after the AIOC, he begins to abuse alcoholic beverages or actively consume flour products, fast food, fatty and hard-to-digest foods, then all the unpleasant symptoms will return again.

nutrition after the AIOC
nutrition after the AIOC

Contraindications for IOC procedure

Contraindications for monitor bowel cleansing:

  • cardiovascular disease, especially in the acute stage;
  • anemia cobalamin or iron deficiency;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • wounds, erosions, ulcerson the intestinal mucosa;
  • late stage hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fistula;
  • intestinal obstruction due to adhesions;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • weeping lichen;
  • postoperative period;
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • the condition of the so-called acute abdomen;
  • cholecystitis in the acute stage;
  • uterine fibroids.

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a proctologist, as well as pass all the necessary tests that a gastroenterologist will prescribe. If the results of the biochemical analysis of blood are unsatisfactory, then it is likely that the procedure will have to be postponed until the exact reason for the change in the results of the analysis is clarified.

does it hurt to do AIOC
does it hurt to do AIOC

How to maintain the result of the procedure

AIOC can be held every six months. In some cases, that is, with certain symptoms, it is possible more often. How to maintain the results of the procedure:

  • quit alcohol;
  • quit smoking, as it has an extremely negative effect on both the state of the stomach and the whole body as a whole;
  • keep proper nutrition;
  • exclude chronic overwork, avoid stress;
  • if there are chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, take treatment and prevent exacerbations.

In this article we examined what it is - monitor bowel cleansing.
