Varieties of the breast - features, classifications and types

Varieties of the breast - features, classifications and types
Varieties of the breast - features, classifications and types

Have you ever thought about your breast type? If so, then you should know that her shape is constantly changing throughout a woman's life and is entirely dependent on genetic factors, weather conditions, diet, activities and the type of support that is present during and after development. For some, bust growth begins as early as 7-8 years old and continues until the end of a woman's life.

Types of female breast
Types of female breast

Breast structure

Before puberty, the structure of breast tissue is the same in both women and men. As soon as the girl reaches the right age, her ovaries begin to generate a large amount of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. They are directly related to the growth, development and variety of forms of the female breast. A photo with images of types will be presented just below.

A developed and fully formed body part has about 20 groups of lobes. These are the glands that start producing milk during pregnancy. In fact, each individual milk production zone has a small upper part of the tube, which is called plastic, andchannels leading to the surface of the nipples. That is why they have holes that start working during pregnancy. The lobes are interconnected by adipose and connective tissues. Thanks to them, the breast retains its shape, since the organ has no muscles.

Types of natural breasts

types of breast nipples
types of breast nipples

The perception of perfect parameters can vary from culture to culture. What one society propagates as an ideal and an example to follow, another will most likely begin to ridicule and stigmatize, considering it a real ugliness. Therefore, you should not try to copy someone's forms, but rather rejoice and be proud of what nature has awarded you, without trying to change its wonderful creation.

Breasts are universally classified into certain types. A woman's shape and size are influenced by various factors such as genetics, age, lifestyle, diet, and the treatments a woman receives during her development. There are completely different categories, just like different cups and bra sizes.

The following parts of the article will provide you with some information about the main classifications and types of breasts in a woman, and also help you determine the variety that your bust falls under.


types of breast shapes
types of breast shapes

This form is quite rare in nature. But women who decide to have plastic surgery are not only trying to increase or decrease the size, but also want it to take on the perfect shape.

An ideal breast should be taut and firm, with no signs of sagging, and her nipples should always be directed outward and parallel to the ground.

In young women, if sagging occurs, it is usually due to insufficient support during the shaping period. Due to an improperly sized or missing bandage, the tissues that provide support to the breast can eventually collapse or weaken, causing the bust to point downward. Wearing shapewear during the period of active growth could prevent sagging of the bust. Unfortunately, the only effective measure in this case will be plastic surgery.

In some cases, large-volume varieties of women's breasts may eventually also experience drooping. The degree of sagging depends in part on the amount of fatty tissue.


This is the standard form of a fully developed woman. It is this type that is most often found in owners of busts of medium parameters.

Such breasts do not sag, but are slightly bent inward over the areola. This results in the nipples pointing outwards, slightly up and not parallel to the ground.

Most people confuse floating breasts with sagging breasts, but this is not the case. They are just not as round and perfect as the previous type. Push up bras are used to enhance the appearance of such breasts and to fill in the upper curving part.



It has very little fatty tissue. This kind of female formThe chest usually has small nipples with little areola and a small distance between the two elevations. It is this type that causes the greatest number of complexes and discontent among women, as well as dreams of increasing the size.

This look is most common among teenagers and young women whose bodies are not yet fully developed and have not acquired their final shape.

Adipose tissue is often underdeveloped or never formed, even in mature women.


This type of female breast is larger and more round in shape than the standard female. The owners of such a bust, unlike the previous type, have excess fatty tissue around the mammary glands, large nipples and areolas.

In some cultures, this look is ideal and desirable for many of the fairer sex.

At this size, experts advise wearing proper bras with wide straps and good support to avoid sagging.


Gravity always works against all life on this Earth. All forms and types of female breasts are no exception to this sad rule. A sagging appearance at a young age, a normal bust most often acquires with neglect and improper care of the hostess. With this attitude, the nipples tend to go down, and the chest sadly reaches for the ground.

Sagging can be due to various reasons. As a rule, this is a fairly mundane process that occurs as a woman ages and approaches menopause. The tissues that support the chest like a corset begin to lose their elasticity and strength. This is how nature works, and, no matter how sad it may sound, nothing can be changed in a natural way. Creams will also not help solve the problem, but will only lighten your pocket. As they say: "Plastic surgeon to help you!".

This turn of events, of course, contributes to the natural feeding of the child. Most mothers who choose this method have sagging breasts as the tissues wear out due to overstretching during milk production. On the plus side, you can get back in shape after giving birth with some exercise and a proper diet.

breast varieties
breast varieties

Narrowed or tubular

Often referred to as tuberous, tubular, or constricted breasts. It has a narrow cylindrical shape. She has very small nipples and areolas. This type is the complete opposite of the ideal chest. In some cases, the nipple may be clearly visible due to tissue herniation or have a depressed tip. The tapered look necessarily implies a large distance between the two breasts.

The reason for such a structure is usually a pathological anomaly, congenital abnormalities or improper care, as well as refusal to wear supportive underwear.

breast implant
breast implant

Most women have a negative attitude towards the tubular variety and some of them decide on cosmetic surgery to correct the unwanted flaw. However, it is very important that this procedure is carried out inan institution with a good reputation and a qualified breast surgeon.


A variety of breasts in women with a pronounced defect, which lies almost on the same plane with the torso and is completely different from a normal bust. In such a chest, the protruding bone resembles the sharp prow of a ship.

Congenital injury or abnormality is considered the cause. Corrective surgery will be a direct indication for women in this category. The doctor usually reshapes with breast implants.

Another anomaly is the funnel-shaped deformity, which is the exact opposite of a concave deformity. Here the chest sinks in its anterior sections, forming a deep hole in the middle.

Conical (Pointed)

Apparently, this type of breast is common among women with more compact bodies, as there is not much fatty tissue in their busts. The mammary glands are conical or triangular in appearance, and the nipples point outward. The fair sex with such forms usually find it difficult to pick up padded bras, since their cups are not completely filled. For such a problem, it is recommended to use contour and push up models to give the chest a more rounded outline.

types of female breasts
types of female breasts


Usually, any person has a slight asymmetry in the left or right sides of the body. We differ in the size of the eyes, parts of the face, the length of the feet and, of course, this applies to the female breast. The type of asymmetry can be determined by a mammologist.

Bin most cases, this difference is minimal and almost visually indistinguishable, but, in some ladies, there is a significant anomaly when one breast grows several sizes larger than the other.

To correct it, it is best to use bras with removable pads so that you can put one or two foam inserts on the smaller side to even out this unpleasant flaw.

Nipple types

You have already learned that there are a lot of varieties of breasts, and they all come in various shapes and sizes. Now let's move on to considering the varieties of breast nipples.

Being on the outer surface of the bust, the nipple is bounded by a darker area of skin called the areola. It varies in several shades: from light brown to dark pink. Areolas also vary in size.

There are types of nipples that have completely different shapes and can include one or more types at the same time.


This definition can be applied to the most common nipples. They clearly bulge outward and stand out from the areola, and in the cold they shrink, gathering into dense peas.


Fully blends into the painted surface and is difficult to see with the naked eye.


The entire area of the areola and nipples looks like a small protruding tubercle on the chest.


Concave inward, and only with the help of fingers can it be pulled out. Sometimes he sits so deep it's impossible to do it.


One nipple is raised and the other is pulled in. If there was a difference from the very beginning, then this is a completely safe anomaly. But when this happens in the course of life with normal breasts, it can be a sign of breast cancer, so you should immediately consult a doctor.


Typically, the tissue surrounding this type of nipple has small, pimple-like bumps called Montgomery's glands. Sometimes they can be white and you can even squeeze out dead skin cells from them, but you should not get too carried away with this process.


Dark hair growing from the areola is a normal feature that often appears in Oriental women. Hair can be either soft or hard. They are perfectly safe to pluck with tweezers.


Relatively rare anomaly, but still occurs in some members of both sexes, such as Harry Styles and Lily Allen. One or two additional nipples look like flat moles, but are fully formed, with a protruding convex surface.

It doesn't matter what kind of breast shape and nipples you have. Even if they are far from ideal, always remember: you are beautiful from head to toe, regardless of your anthropometric parameters!
