Ear plastic surgery in children: reviews, photos. Where to get otoplasty?

Ear plastic surgery in children: reviews, photos. Where to get otoplasty?
Ear plastic surgery in children: reviews, photos. Where to get otoplasty?

Why do babies have protruding ears? How true are the statements that the wrong lying during the pregnancy of the fetus is to blame? At what age is ear plastic surgery allowed and how is it done? You can find answers to all these questions in this article.

ear plastic surgery
ear plastic surgery

What is protruding ears?

Protruding ears are a violation of the angle of attachment of the cartilage, or the growth of the cartilaginous tissue of the auricle, in other words, an anatomical feature. In most cases, this is a family "trait". In addition, there is a version that protruding ears are formed due to improper lying during pregnancy of the fetus. However, it is quite controversial and most experts do not support it.

where to get rhinoplasty
where to get rhinoplasty

Some people think that a slight protruding ear at an early age can be corrected by fixing the ears at night with a medical plaster. This is a naive delusion, and far from safe - the patch can lead to deformation of the auricle, as well as provoke inflammatory processes on the skin. Thus, a correction without suchprocedures like otoplasty are impossible.

Types of otoplasty

  1. Reconstructive plastic - used to restore the entire ear or individual missing areas.
  2. Aesthetic plastic - performed to give the auricle an aesthetic appearance.


  • Increase in the angle between the auricle and the skull, which normally should not exceed 30°.
  • Re-ear plastic surgery in children if the results of the first operation for the patient were unsatisfactory.
  • Protruding ears.
  • Plasty of the earlobe in case of its deformation or underdevelopment.
  • Irregular ear shape bilateral or unilateral.
  • Complete or partial, acquired or congenital absence of the auricle.


  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Some clinics don't accept surgery during menstruation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle or outer ear.
  • Acute infectious diseases.


  • Fluorography, electrocardiogram.
  • Complete blood and urine tests.
  • Blood test for markers of viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.
  • Coagulogram, biochemical blood test.

Pain relief

Ear plastic surgery for children, like any other operation, requires anesthesia. It is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the state of he alth, as well as individual characteristics.patient. Typically, this operation is performed on an outpatient basis using anesthesia.

For children, as a rule, general anesthesia is used, since with local anesthesia, babies are not able to remain absolutely immobile for a long time. Ear plasty for adults and teenagers is performed under local anesthesia.

The essence of the operation

A small incision is made from the “inside out” of the ear so that there are no visible traces in the future. Next, the cartilage is released, which is cut in a certain way. This is done with a scalpel or laser. Unlike

otoplasty in children
otoplasty in children

scalpel, the laser has a number of undeniable advantages: it allows you to act more accurately and accurately, after cutting the tissue, there is a quick “sealing” of blood vessels, so there is practically no blood loss in this case.

After that, the cartilage is fixed in a new place, cosmetic sutures are applied to the skin, for these purposes special surgical self-absorbable threads are used. Similar manipulations are done with the second ear.

The surface of the wound is treated with a special antiseptic ointment, a sterile bandage and compression tape are applied. On average, an operation such as ear plastic surgery lasts about 60 minutes. There may be more, but this does not mean that some unforeseen circumstances have arisen.

Laser otoplasty

Laser ear plastic surgery (photo below) will make them not only neat, but also prevent swelling after surgery. In addition, the laser scalpel,in comparison with the surgeon's hand, it acts more plastically and accurately. The main function of a specialist is to open the auricle, after which a laser beam is activated, which strengthens the blood vessels. This operation takes an average of 30 minutes. Then, after a set of measures, a bandage is applied, which is removed after a week.

otoplasty reviews
otoplasty reviews

Despite the fact that this operation is not difficult, after it a rehabilitation period is provided. It will be necessary to wear a special bandage, thereby protecting the most vulnerable places from the penetration of infection and water. As a rule, otoplasty does not lead to complications, but in rare cases it can cause skin diseases and an allergic reaction. In this regard, doctors advise treating the auricle area with a special solution.

Post-op dressing

Immediately after the operation, a gauze pad is applied, which is secured with a bandage. It must be worn without removing it on its own for six days. Then the compression bandage is worn only during sleep. Thus, it is necessary to spend at least two weeks with her.

Bandaging after surgery must be done the next day. Subsequent dressings are carried out at the discretion of the attending physician. If the stitches are not self-absorbable, they are removed after about seven days. After a month, you can start a carefree vigorous activity.

otoplasty for children
otoplasty for children

It is also worth noting that such an operation in no way affectshearing, despite the fact that it can cause bruising and swelling. And to speed up the rehabilitation period, standard procedures can be supplemented with hardware cosmetology, physiotherapy and much more.

Otoplasty cost

Prices for otoplasty will be approximate, so more accurate prices should be clarified directly at the place of operation.

So, the elimination of protruding ears on average can cost you from 11,000 to 150,000 rubles. With full or partial restoration of the auricle, spend from 14,000 to 240,000 rubles.

Plastic earlobe will cost 3000-50000 rubles. Reducing the size of the auricle - from 12,000 to 60,000 rubles.

If we are talking about laser surgery, then it is valued at 30,000-80,000 rubles.

Again, all prices are approximate. Here is an average result, so somewhere it can be more expensive, somewhere cheaper. However, this should be sufficient to give a general picture.

Where to get otoplasty?

In most cases, they are looking for through friends. Also, information about plastic surgery centers can be found on the Internet - the sites have reviews about specialists, ratings. Having given preference to one or another center, it is advisable for parents to get acquainted with the surgeon before taking their child there. Talk to a specialist, ask to see a portfolio of his patients before and after otoplasty, and also find out the number of operations performed per month.

earlobe plasty
earlobe plasty

Ear plastic: reviews

If you decide to perform such an operation on your child, then inFirst of all, don't skimp on it. Do not do otoplasty in dubious clinics, in which you were offered to solve your problems for next to nothing. After all, it can cost several times more, not only financially, but also for he alth reasons.

ear surgery photo
ear surgery photo

As for the reviews, if you have an operation in a good clinic and if it is performed by a good specialist, you should not worry about the consequences. Everything will be done in the best possible way. After all, reputation is important to them, and absolutely no one needs problems due to such a simple operation.

Another question is whether you followed all postoperative requirements. They didn’t remove the bandage, they didn’t let them pull on your new ears, especially in the first few months after the operation. We slept for the first month in a bandage and on our backs. If you followed everything, then after otoplasty your ears will definitely not protrude again.

So, in summary, if you go to a well-established plastic surgery center and follow all the requirements exactly, you will not have any problems.
