A person who gets satisfaction from exposing his own genitals - this is the answer to the question: "Exhibitionist - who is this?" The genitals are mostly shown to strangers. This psychological need occurs more often in males. Psychologists say that most of the exhibitionists are insolvent impotents who have stopped sexual activity. The sight of such people is frightening, but they are harmless. Usually they do not attack casual viewers, but they can touch the lady they like solely for the purpose of sexual relaxation, as an element of fetishism.

Exhibitionist, who is this? A dangerous criminal or a victim of stereotypes?
When people see a stranger's naked genitals, they naturally get scared. There has long been a stereotype in society that exposure is necessary for sexual intercourse, so we believe that it is for this purpose that an attack is possible. An exhibitionist often needs only fright and the attention of strangers to his person.

Exhibitionist, who is this? Where does it come from?
Sexologists say that the desire to be naked in public develops in people with sexual neuroticism and complexes. Often such men are raised by strict and domineering mothers and grandmothers, so in adulthood they are afraid of the female body and intimacy with the opposite sex.

Exhibitionist, who is this? Revolutionary or pervert?
The people who want to get naked in public have created their own movement, they claim that they just want to push the sexual boundaries and be liberated. Exhibitionists claim that they are not perverts, they just want to destroy the boundaries of decency. Thus, it is a revolutionary movement that even created its own dictionary of technical terms.
Godiving is a harmless form of exhibitionism, these people do not want to attract the attention of strangers. Getting naked for themselves, they walk around the house, sit at the computer, sunbathe on the roof. However, it remains exciting for them to think that anyone could theoretically see them.
Fraisa - These people like to get naked for their partner, who is filming them and insuring them from strangers.
Flashing - this is what exhibitionists do in the city, they suddenly open their cloaks, lift their skirts, showing their genitals. Then they rush to disappear. The amazed audience usually does not chase troublemakers, but remains in a slight shock after what they see.

The exhibitionist likes to get naked on the beach, in the subway, even on the Internet he can expose to the publicreviewing your video or photos to enjoy the fact that other people will see them. There are also group actions, defecation in public.
In fact, exhibitionism is not such a terrible deviation, you can get rid of it by visiting a couple of sessions with a psychologist. The main thing is desire, only the exhibitionists themselves do not consider this abnormal and do not want to get rid of it. Should they be forcibly treated or allowed to be themselves? It is difficult to answer this question, but it is important not to forget that all people are different.