Pain syndrome is an alarm signal that our own body sends us when something is wrong with it. No need to try to drown it out with analgesics as soon as possible. It is necessary to fight the causes, which can be very difficult. In this vein, we will analyze cramping abdominal pain - their possible causes, danger and diagnosis.
Significance of symptom
Let's start with the main thing. What is it - cramping pains in the abdomen? Strong contractions of the smooth muscle of a number of hollow organs, which are located in the lower part of the peritoneum, the small pelvis. These are the uterus (in women), the intestinal tract, the bladder, the ureters, and so on. Their smooth muscle is constantly contracting, helping to move the contents. However, in the normal state, this process is painless. We do not feel any intestinal peristalsis, bladder muscle contraction, etc.
From here, cramping pains will be quite an alarming symptom. He can talk about many things:
- Promotion violationcontents inside a hollow organ.
- Functional dysfunctions in the body.
- Acute disease requiring immediate medical attention.
Note that this symptom is also quite subjective. The reason is that people will each have their own degree of sensitivity.

Probable causes
When can cramping abdominal pain occur? There are many possible reasons:
- Consequences of abortion.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- A woman is menstruating.
- The origin of the myomatous node.
- Mechanical obstruction of the intestinal tract.
- Volus of the sigmoid colon.
- Intussusception.
- Volus of the caecum.
- Obturation of the rectum, sigmoid colon.
- Intestinal failure.
- Incarcerated hernia - inguinal or femoral.
- Dysentery.
- Renal colic.
The most common causes of cramping pain in the abdomen, we will analyze further in detail.

Renal colic
The syndrome develops due to increased peristalsis of the ureter, which is trying to get rid of the obstruction that impedes the outflow of urine. The most common cause of cramping pains in the lower abdomen here is developing urolithiasis. There may be some kind of inflammatory process with a clot of pus, an oncological disease.
There are cramping pains on the left or right, "give" to the genitals,on the inner femoral surface, pain in the kidney area is self-diagnosed.
You should contact a specialist as soon as possible - delay is fraught with dropsy of the kidney, the development of a secondary infection, purulent pyelonephritis.
Pain is associated with spastic contractions of the affected parts of the intestinal tract - rectum, sigmoid colon.
There is a fever, cramping pains in the abdomen (pulling, mainly on the left side), painful urge to defecate, loose stools up to 20 times a day, mucopurulent discharge with streaks of blood from the anus.
Incarcerated hernia
A hernia is an abnormal penetration of organs (most often intestinal loops) through the abdominal wall under the skin. Their infringement sometimes becomes deadly - as a result, mechanical acute strangulation obstruction develops. In other words, a violation of blood circulation in the clamped section of the intestine.
The most common are inguinal and abdominal hernias. If you have been diagnosed with this pathology, then immediately seek help from specialists if cramping pain occurs. Need urgent hospitalization and subsequent surgical treatment.

Acute obstruction of the intestinal system
Intensity, dynamics of the development of pain syndrome will depend on the form of intestinal obstruction, the affected part of the intestine.
How to recognize her? About developing intestinal obstruction, acutecramping abdominal pain, occasional constipation. Some patients note the appearance/intensification of pain when extending the trunk, when the skin fold is displaced.
Obturation of the rectum, sigmoid colon
This is the name of a sharp narrowing of the intestinal lumen. The latter reacts to this with increased peristalsis, which is felt by the patient as cramping pain. The symptom is aggravated by palpation of the affected area.
First of all, obstructive intestinal obstruction is caused by cancerous tumors of the rectum or sigmoid colon. First, ribbon-like feces, constipation, pulling pains in the abdomen are noted. The second stage is the retention of feces, gases. As well as bouts of pain-fights. The last stage is vomiting, intolerable pain syndrome, retention of feces, a sharp deterioration in well-being. There is only one way of treatment - surgical removal of the affected area.
Obturation can also be caused by coprolites - fecal stones. The symptoms here are similar to those observed with a cancerous tumor. Treatment in this case is conservative.

This is the name of the introduction of the overlying intestinal zone into the lumen of the underlying one. Most often, pathology is observed in children, men. Cramping pain in this case will occur when the end of the small intestine is introduced into the large intestine.
The reasons are different - helminthic invasion, the intake of rough food, the release of gallstones, the ingress of a foreign body. The intensity of the pain will depend on the degree of infringement of the mesentery. If it is strong, then the patient quicklyperitonitis develops, early necrosis of the invaginate. A person can die without medical assistance within a day.
During contractions, the pains are unbearable, but enlightenments are possible between them. After 6-12 hours from the manifestation of this syndrome, bloody discharge from the anus is possible.
Spontaneous abortion
Cramping pain in women can be an alarming sign of self-abortion, miscarriage. They will be preceded by a pulling pain syndrome that radiates to the lower back or sacrum.
Increased intensity of pain, contractions, bloody discharge from the vagina indicate the beginning of detachment of the fetal egg. And this is the reason for the emergency hospitalization of a woman! It should be noted that modern medical devices and equipment, even at this stage, can save the life of a child.
For a woman, this condition is dangerous by the development of massive blood loss. The particles of the fetal egg remaining in the uterus can also cause blood poisoning, peritonitis, endometritis.
Ectopic pregnancy
Cramping pains also indicate the onset of a tubal abortion in an ectopic pregnancy. This is the outcome is a foregone conclusion - it ends either with the expulsion of the fetal egg, or the rupture of the fallopian tube. The last case is a one-time disaster. The tubal abortion itself can last for hours or even days.
Painful cramping syndrome is accompanied by spotting. This is the difficulty - a woman takes them for the beginning of the next menstruation. The danger of the situation is that the contraction of the smooth muscle of the organ at any time canlead to rupture of the fallopian tube. And this is massive internal life-threatening bleeding.
Cramping pains in the lower abdomen with special care should be taken by women who have already experienced an ectopic pregnancy, with a diagnosed tubal infertility, with a history of chronic or acute diseases of the uterine appendages, taking progestin contraceptives.

When menstruating
Loose stools, cramping pains most often indicate problems with the intestines. But often women experience a symptom during menstruation. What can he talk about? Cramping pains in this case are called algomenorrhea. It is divided into two types:
- Primary, functional. Surprisingly, its nature has not yet been disclosed by researchers. As a cause, hereditary metabolic dysfunctions are distinguished, which cause an increased synthesis of substances that increase muscular uterine excitability, the sensitivity of nerve receptors to pain. As a rule, the symptom is typical for young girls in the first 1-2 years of menstruation, asthenic women. Cramping pains can be so severe that the patient loses consciousness. However, they do not have any pathology. But primary algomenorrhea should not be taken for granted - pain can hide problems not related to the reproductive system.
- Secondary. The reason is organic pathologies of the genital organs. A side effect is scanty menstruation or even its absence. There are cramping painscan cause adhesions in the uterine cavity, disruption of the normal location of the female genital organ, congenital malformations of the system.
In addition, such a pain syndrome sometimes indicates the development of a myomatous node. Caused by increased contraction of the muscle membrane, which is so trying to expel the tumor.
Which doctor should I contact?
Since there are many causes of cramping abdominal pain, it is impossible to give exact advice on which doctor to consult. However, we will present a number of guidelines for navigation:
- Ambulance call. Severe cramping pains are accompanied by a breakdown, fever, vomiting, bleeding from the genital tract, headaches, fainting, a change in the shape of the peritoneum, a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
- Appeal to a female gynecologist. With menstruation, migrating pains, their sudden appearance after stress, hypothermia, physical activity. Acute cramping pains are combined with increased fatigue, pain during urination, an irregular monthly cycle, elevated body temperature, vaginal discharge - blood, mucus, pus, and so on. Pain is provoked by sexual intercourse, aggravated during menstruation, "give" to the groin, sacrum, tailbone.
- Appeal to a gastroenterologist. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the navel, combined with bloating, diarrhea, constipation, frequent bowel movements, flatulence.
- Appeal to the surgeon, proctologist. Cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, frequent urge to defecate, pain inareas of the anus and rectum, which increase during bowel movements.
- Appeal to the urologist. Pain "radiates" to the lower back and groin, frequent, painful urination, blood in the urine.
- Appeal to an infectious disease specialist. Cramping pains in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, combined with liquid or mushy stools, it contains impurities of blood or mucus, pain increases during bowel movements, high fever.
If you are unsure about the specifics of your symptoms, you should make an appointment with a GP as soon as possible.

Methods for diagnosing diseases, pathologies that are manifested by cramping pains in the lower abdomen depend on the specifics of the disease, dysfunction. Each specialist will use their own methods.
When complaining of severe pain during menstruation, it is prescribed:
- bimanual examination;
- Ultrasound of the genital organs;
- smear for vaginal microflora;
- general analysis of urine and blood;
- biochemical study of a blood sample;
- coagulogram (blood clotting test);
- blood test for certain hormones.
If a woman turned to a gynecologist with a complaint not related to the menstrual cycle, then the set of examinations is as follows:
- bimanual examination;
- smear for vaginal bacteria;
- general urine and blood sample analysis;
- analysis of scrapings, blood for genital infections;
- analysis for viruses thatsexually transmitted;
- bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge;
- syphilis test;
- hysterosalpingography;
- pelvic ultrasound.
Examinations that an infectious disease specialist needs to diagnose a patient, prescribe treatment:
- bacteriological culture of vomit, feces;
- blood test for antibodies to antigens of intestinal infectious diseases;
- analysis to find the DNA of pathogens of intestinal viruses;
- irrigoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- sigmoidoscopy.
Examinations ordered by a urologist:
- general analysis of urine and blood;
- Ultrasound of organs - bladder and kidneys;
- computed tomography;
- cystoscopy;
- scintigraphy;
- urography.
Appeal to a gastroenterologist, proctologist:
- analysis of a stool sample for helminth eggs;
- complete blood count;
- scatological examination of feces;
- fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis;
- Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
- blood test, stool culture for clostridial microorganisms;
- irrigoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- magnetic resonance, computed tomography;
- analysis for calprotectin.

As for the treatment, it depends on the diagnosis made by the specialist based on the results of the examination. Since the causes of cramping pain in each individual case are different,it is impossible to predict in advance what the therapy might be. We do not advise you to engage in self-diagnosis, self-treatment - contact a specialist, call an ambulance! Pain in the abdomen is an alarming signal of pathological processes that can cause serious damage to your he alth, and even cause death.