Lyasnotka white or deaf nettle is a unique perennial plant from the genus Lamiaceae. It is of great importance in the treatment of various pathologies. This plant contains many vitamins, microelements, a variety of useful substances.
Lyasnotka refers to creeping plants, the rhizomes of which are located horizontally, very close to the soil surface. Due to the ability to quickly spread, the nettle is able to quickly fill the entire space, and the nettle grows over very large areas.

Where it grows
White yasnotka grows on lands with high levels of humidity. This plant is often found on the banks of rivers, lakes, in forests. The plant is also widely distributed in vegetable gardens, near fences. This type of nettle is found in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, in the Far East. White lamb grows throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in Japan, China, Korea, Europe, Asia and Mongolia.
Description of the plant
White yasnotka has creeping roots that grow horizontally. The stem has fouredge and can reach a height of one and a half meters. The stem itself has hairs pointing slightly downward.
The leaves of the plant are opposite, petiolate. Leaves can reach fifteen centimeters in length. The plates are oval-triangular, sharp-sawed. There are teeth on the edge of the leaves.
Flowers appear at the top of the stem. They are located in axillary rings in several pieces. The bracts are subulate and shorter than the calyx, which is bell-shaped with several teeth. Flowering of the plant occurs in April (typical for central Russia) and continues until frost. Faded flowers produce fruits - coenobia, consisting of four nut-shaped erems, ripening from June.

Growing a plant
White Lamb (Nettle) is an undemanding plant. It is often specially grown for medicinal mass. Deciding to plant this plant, it is better to use the method of dividing the bush.
For planting, choose a place where the humidity level is always high. It can be a garden, the northern part of the site, some kind of shady area.
Benefits of Laminaria
White Lamb Grass has many useful properties. It has a hemostatic, diuretic effect. This plant is used for inflammatory processes in the body of various etiologies, as well as for acute respiratory viral infections. Laminaria is shown not only in the treatment of pathologies, but also as a basis for the preparation of cosmetics.
Laser is widely used for uterine contraction: after childbirth, women may be prescribeddecoctions or infusions of this plant. Also, this herb has a good effect in the treatment of skin diseases, nervous pathologies, and angina. The use of the plant helps to get rid of insomnia.

Chemical composition
The use of white lamella is associated with the unique chemical composition of the plant. When studying nettle, scientists found that this plant contains a lot of tannins, mucous components, ascorbic acid, saponins. This plant contains vitamins C, A, laminine alkaloid, glycosides, histamine, flavonoids, essential oils, choline, caffeic acid, tyramine, sucrose and other useful elements.
All these components allow you to use nettle to combat a variety of ailments.
Indications for use
In folk medicine, nettle is used as an astringent, antiseptic, expectorant, tonic, hemostatic and sedative. Also, this herb has antidepressant, analgesic properties. It normalizes metabolism, cleanses the blood.
Nettle is recommended for use in diseases of the urinary system. Laminaria is recommended for the normalization of urination and urination, for pain relief, and also as an antibiotic. Means prepared on the basis of nettle are able to stop inflammatory processes in a short time.
Due to its hemostatic properties, the plant is recommended for pulmonary, nasal, and uterine bleeding. Due to the large amount of tannins, clotting is acceleratedblood.
Nettle has a positive effect on inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. The substances contained in the plant are able to thin the sputum and remove it from the bronchi. It also has an effect on most pathogens.
The herb helps women with too heavy periods. It normalizes the cycle and eliminates an unpleasant phenomenon, which is usually caused by pathological processes in the reproductive system.
Pain-relieving properties make it possible to use nettle for toothache, headache.

The use of white cassava in medicine has its indications and contraindications. The latter include:
- Low blood pressure.
- Increased blood clotting.
- Pregnancy.
- Allergic reaction to the plant.
- Constipation.
It is especially dangerous to use nettle for pregnant women, as remedies from this plant can cause uterine contractions. This may result in a miscarriage or premature birth.
"Nettle" recipes
The uniqueness of the plant allows it to be used for a variety of diseases. For the treatment of various ailments, various parts of the plant, collected at certain periods, are used. So, in order to get rid of neuralgia, it is necessary to collect the plant during the period of active growth. For treatment, the stems of the plant are taken and the juice is squeezed out of them. It is taken in a tablespoon four times a day before meals. Treatment lasts six months.
For the treatment of diseasesgenitourinary system, an infusion is prepared from nettle. For him, you need to take a tablespoon of grass and pour a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for two hours, after which it is filtered. Takes half a glass three times a day.
For the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system, use dry flowers of the claret. To prepare an infusion from them, you need to pour a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water. After this, the product is infused until completely cooled. The finished medicine is taken one hundred grams three times a day.

When to harvest nettles
Before you go for nettles, you should find out exactly how this type of plant looks like, and you can see a photo of the white nettle in our article.
Grass is harvested at the peak of flowering, before wilted flowers appear. As soon as the dew comes off, the plant is carefully cut. It is dried in a thin layer on a clean cloth in a well-ventilated area or under a canopy, but not in direct sunlight. Dried blanks are crushed and stored in a dark, dry place. The shelf life of the harvested plant is eighteen months.

Laserwort, like other herbs, has many he alth benefits, but you should consult your doctor before using it.