Tingling in the right hypochondrium: causes, possible diseases

Tingling in the right hypochondrium: causes, possible diseases
Tingling in the right hypochondrium: causes, possible diseases

Tingling in the right hypochondrium most people associate with diseases of the liver and gallbladder. This is a common, but far from the only cause of such a symptom. In some cases, pain in this area may not be associated with pathology. However, if tingling occurs frequently and develops into acute pain, then this indicates a serious problem in the body. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of discomfort. Next, we will look at the most common diseases that may be accompanied by discomfort in the right hypochondrium.

Natural causes

The cause of tingling in the right hypochondrium may be excessive sports loads. Especially often this phenomenon is observed in people jogging at a fast pace. While running, a person’s blood supply to internal organs increases, including the liver, as well asthe intercostal muscles are stretched. This is accompanied by pain.

Running can cause tingling
Running can cause tingling

Usually such pain occurs in people who have recently started playing sports. Their body has not yet adapted to high loads. In such cases, before jogging, it is necessary to arrange a small warm-up. This will help "warm up" the muscles, and prepare the body for the load.

If during a run a person feels a tingling sensation in the right hypochondrium, then it is necessary to change running to brisk walking. As soon as the pain subsides, the training can be resumed.

Pain during exercise is caused by physiological causes and is not a sign of pathology. However, if the discomfort does not go away at rest, then it is necessary to visit a doctor and be examined.

Tingling in the right hypochondrium is often observed in women in late pregnancy. During this period, the fetus grows rapidly, and the uterus puts pressure on nearby organs. If the unborn child is head down, then his legs can put pressure on the liver and stomach. Therefore, pregnancy in the third trimester is often accompanied by pain and heartburn.

Third trimester of pregnancy
Third trimester of pregnancy

The above causes are natural and do not require special treatment. Next, we will consider possible diseases that may be accompanied by discomfort in the right side, as well as the treatment of these pathologies.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Cause tingling in the righthypochondrium can become an attack of hepatic colic. This is a manifestation of gallstone disease. Painful sensations occur at the moment when the stone gets stuck in the bile duct.

An attack may start with a slight tingling sensation. Then the pain increases and becomes unbearable. A person rushes about and tries to take a position that embraces excruciating pain. Often there is nausea and vomiting due to a violation of the outflow of bile.

In such cases, you must immediately call an ambulance. Colic is treated surgically, the patient needs to undergo an operation to remove the stones.

Soreness under the ribs on the right can be a sign of cholecystitis - an inflammation of the gallbladder. The tingling is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, belching with an unpleasant odor. A person feels a taste of bitterness in his mouth. During an attack, there is an increase in temperature.

Pain under the ribs on the right
Pain under the ribs on the right

With these symptoms, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, cholecystitis can become chronic. The patient is advised to stay in bed and follow a special diet (table No. 5). Prescribe antispasmodic, choleretic and antibacterial drugs.

Tingling may also be caused by liver disease:

  1. Hepatitis. The disease is often accompanied by tingling in the right hypochondrium after eating. This is due to the fact that during the digestion of food bile is released, which provokes the occurrence of pain. The tingling is accompanied by nausea, increased gas formation, yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes. Hepatitis treatmentdiet, detoxification infusions, and hepatoprotectors.
  2. Cirrhosis. At the beginning of this dangerous disease, the patient feels a slight tingling in the right hypochondrium. Often the patient does not pay attention to this, and as a result, the disease is diagnosed too late. In the future, there are severe pain in the liver, itching, severe weight loss, nausea, vomiting, jaundice. In the early stages, the disease can still be cured with conservative methods. Assign hepatoprotectors, sodium preparations. beta blockers. In advanced cases, the only way to save a person is through surgery or liver transplantation.
  3. Helminth diseases. Some parasites (eg, Echinococcus) during their life cycle form cysts in the liver tissue. They put pressure on blood vessels and hepatocytes. This is accompanied by a sensation of tingling and squeezing. When an echinococcal cyst ruptures, acute excruciating pain occurs. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the cyst.

In all liver pathologies, pain occurs due to stretching of the organ capsule. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the right hypochondrium, but can also be given to other parts of the body.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

Appendicitis attack may begin with a slight tingling in the right side of the hypochondrium. Then the pains increase and become very strong. They become diffuse in nature and spread throughout the abdomen. This is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, fever. The abdominal wall is very tense and becomesrock hard.

attack of appendicitis
attack of appendicitis

With such symptoms, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. The patient needs emergency hospitalization and surgery. Otherwise, appendicitis may be complicated by peritonitis, which endangers the life of the patient.

Tingling can be a sign of many other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, this symptom occurs with colitis and gastrointestinal infections. These diseases are accompanied by diarrhea. The intestinal mucosa is inflamed and irritated. In this case, a tingling sensation may be felt that radiates to the right hypochondrium.

Kidney disease

Stinging sensations are observed in pyelonephritis. With inflammation of the renal pelvis, pain usually occurs closer to the lower back, but may radiate to the hypochondrium. At the same time, the temperature rises, urination becomes frequent and painful. Edema appears on the face and limbs.

If stabbing sensations are accompanied by urination disorders, then you should consult a urologist and undergo a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

Heart disease

With cardiac pathologies, tingling most often occurs in the left hypochondrium in front. However, stabbing sensations can also be localized on the right. This is due to the fact that with heart disease, blood circulation is disturbed, and the liver increases in size.

Diagnosis and treatment of such pathologies is done by a cardiologist. Therapy depends on the type of disease.

How to recognize that the tingling is in the right hypochondriumassociated with heart disease? Cardiological pathologies are accompanied by a feeling of chest compression, shortness of breath, dizziness. Pain may radiate to the arms or neck. Often there is an increase in blood pressure.

Heart diseases
Heart diseases

Ectopic pregnancy

At the beginning of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman does not feel any pain. But as the fetus grows, there is a tingling sensation. This is accompanied by bleeding. Then the tingling develops into pain, usually on one side of the abdomen (right or left).

If a pregnant woman has these symptoms, then she needs emergency surgical care. This condition is extremely dangerous. Without surgery, fallopian tube rupture and severe intra-abdominal bleeding can occur, which is often fatal.


If inflammation develops in the right lung, then usually the patient feels pain in the chest. They may be accompanied by a slight tingling under the ribs on the right. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by respiratory movements. The patient has a fever and a severe cough with phlegm.

Signs of pneumonia
Signs of pneumonia

Pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, antipyretics and mucolytics.


Tingling in the right hypochondrium may be the initial symptom of pleurisy. This disease is often a complication of pneumonia. In the future, the patient has pain in the shoulder blades, shortness of breath and a strong cough that does not bring relief. With a purulent form of pleurisybody temperature can rise up to +40 degrees. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a course of antibiotic therapy.

Simultaneous tingling left and right

Tingling in the left hypochondrium after eating may be a sign of acute pancreatitis. Unpleasant sensations simultaneously occur in the right side of the body. In the future, the pain becomes extremely intense and acquires a girdle character. The patient is shown taking enzymatic preparations and enterosorbents, as well as a strict diet.

The cause of tingling in the left hypochondrium may be myocardial infarction, occurring in an atypical gastralgic form. At the beginning of the attack, there is a tingling in the chest on the left. Then the pain passes to the stomach area and gives to the right hypochondrium. Severe pain in the heart with this form of heart attack is not observed. This disease requires urgent hospitalization. Without treatment, the probability of death from a heart attack reaches 99%.

Tingling in the left side of the hypochondrium may be a symptom of an abscess in the subphrenic region. This disease occurs as a complication after operations on the gastrointestinal tract. Stitching sensations also affect the right area. The tingling quickly develops into a sharp pain that radiates to the collarbone. The attack occurs suddenly. Pain is aggravated by breathing and coughing.

Tingling in the left hypochondrium may be a sign of spleen pathologies. Pain occurs due to an increase in the organ. However, with such diseases, stabbing sensations are noted only on the left. Diseases of the spleen are often accompanied by hepaticpathologies. In this case, the pain can be localized both on the left and on the right side.

What not to do

When tingling in the right hypochondrium, in no case should hot compresses and heating pads be applied to the sore spot. If the pain is provoked by cholecystitis or pancreatitis, then this can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process.

Do not take painkillers until the doctor arrives. This can mask the clinical picture of the disease, and it will be very difficult for the doctor to diagnose the pathology.

Which doctor to contact

There are many pathologies that cause tingling in the right hypochondrium. They are treated by doctors of various profiles: gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, urologists, gynecologists, cardiologists. So the first thing you need to do is see a therapist. Your GP will refer you to the right specialist.

Patients are prescribed the following diagnostic tests:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • lung X-ray;
  • ECG;
  • gastroscopy;
  • clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests.
Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound examination

The choice of the necessary examination method depends on the proposed diagnosis.


To prevent pain in the right hypochondrium, you must follow the following recommendations of doctors:

  • do not abuse spicy and fatty foods;
  • quit alcohol;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • strengthen your immunity;
  • Take any medication only as directed by a doctor.

Many of the above conditions respond well to early treatment. Therefore, every person needs to undergo regular preventive examinations. This will help to identify the pathology in time.
