Peru Balsam

Peru Balsam
Peru Balsam

Modern medicine boasts hundreds of different creams, ointments and so on. Not all of them work equally well. As a rule, people prefer to choose products based on natural ingredients.

Peru Balsam is an excellent cleanser and skin care product. It is obtained from the balsam tree, which grows in Central America. This balm can also act as an antiseptic. It promotes rapid healing of wounds and saves from frostbite.

peruvian balsam
peruvian balsam

The raw material from which Peruvian balsam is prepared is obtained in a very interesting way. Cuts are made at the base of the trunk, and then fired. A few days later, gum appears at the incision sites, which is collected with rags. After that, the incisions are made deeper and fired again, and the gum appears again.

Gum-soaked rags and pieces of bark are boiled down. This is how raw Peruvian balsam is obtained. The liquid is then purified and distilled. The result is a dark, fragrant balm.

On sale you can see balms of different colors and textures. This is due to the lengthy processing time. If you want to buy Peruvianbalm of the highest quality, then go to the pharmacy.

This remedy is used for various purposes:

  • skin care;
  • wound treatment;
  • frostbite;
  • treatment for hemorrhoids, scabies and bronchitis.

Peruvian balsam is also used as an ointment, but much less frequently. It is often used in veterinary medicine. It saves animals from scabies, mites and other parasites.

branolind n with peru balsam
branolind n with peru balsam

Despite the natural raw materials from which the balm is made, it has a number of contraindications. This mainly concerns individual intolerance to components, allergies. With prolonged use, there may be complications with the kidneys.

Like any remedy used for medical purposes, the balm must be strictly dosed. Its use for various purposes is described in detail in the instructions. If you have any questions, ask your pharmacist or doctor.

For the treatment of burns, diabetic and trophic ulcers, bedsores, boils, abscesses, abrasions, wounds that are difficult to heal, Branolind N dressing with Peruvian balsam is widely used. For treatment, an ointment bandage is made of airtight, large-mesh cotton fabric. It is impregnated with a balm containing branolind N. Such procedures are useful in skin transplantation, for fixing split grafts, as well as in plastic surgery. Thus, there is a powerful antiseptic and wound healing effect.

branolind n
branolind n

The composition of this miraculous ointment,along with Peruvian balsam, it includes white petrolatum, glycerin, cetomacragol, hydrogenated fat and medium-level triglycerides. This composition provides a quick and effective effect.

Every housewife should have this balm in the first aid kit for first aid for burns and wounds. In addition, they can cure festering and chronic wounds.

Contraindications are sensitivity to ingredients and extensive tissue damage.

It is best to buy medicines in pharmacies. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer's company and, of course, to the expiration date.
