Teeth whitening pencil: reviews

Teeth whitening pencil: reviews
Teeth whitening pencil: reviews

Dental clinics perform teeth whitening in professional ways. The procedure, although effective, is expensive. How can you achieve this on your own? You can use a tooth whitening pencil. According to dentists, this tool is safe and effective. Read more about it in the article.

General information

Differences in bleaching products are in the form, manufacturer, composition, application method, design solution and cost. In appearance, it can be a pen, lipstick, pencil, bottle, container with soft brushes at the end.

teeth whitening pencil
teeth whitening pencil

The filler is a whitening composition having a gel-like consistency, with carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Due to the availability of use and compactness, you can easily whiten the enamel of your teeth by several tones. You can buy the drug at a pharmacy. According to reviews, you can buy it cheaper in the online store.


The active ingredient in a tooth whitening pencil is carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The first substance is the same hydrogen peroxide, but with the presence of urea residues. The positive effect of peroxide on enamel is ensured by conventional chemical processes. According to reviews, the teeth whitening pencil is easy to use and also shows an excellent effect.

teeth whitening pencil reviews
teeth whitening pencil reviews

Urea after application reacts with saliva, and then splits into active oxygen and water, penetrating into the pores of the enamel. The coloring components settled in the depths of the pores are broken down by oxygen, washed out to the surface with water, and then removed by saliva. Due to the ability of oxygen to linger in dental tissues while maintaining its properties, the whitening process increases by 10 or more days. Carbamide peroxide is slower acting, but due to its high concentration and gradual conversion of urea to peroxide, it is considered effective.


Only a dentist can determine the condition of tooth enamel and set the level of safety of the selected product. Teeth whitening pencils and strips have contraindications that can lead to enamel damage, ineffective use, or he alth problems.

Procedures cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • under 18;
  • gum and mucosal disease;
  • caries, periodontal disease;
  • with tetracycline teeth orfluorose;
  • intolerance of the components of the product;
  • piercing in the mouth, cheeks;
  • using braces;
  • veneers, fillings, crowns in a conspicuous place;
  • Enamel hypersensitivity.

As evidenced by the reviews of dentists, in these cases the situation will be aggravated if a pencil is used. It is advisable to consult with a specialist who will suggest a solution to this problem.


How to use a teeth whitening pencil? Procedures should be regular. It should be borne in mind that if oral care is of high quality and constant, then it is unlikely that there will be a need to use gels for teeth whitening. If, nevertheless, there is a need to use the remedy, then this should be done correctly.

how to use teeth whitening pencil
how to use teeth whitening pencil

Usually sessions are performed every day, 1 or several times in 7 or 14 days. Periodicity may differ for all manufacturers. According to the opinions of dentists, it is necessary to carefully read the information about the procedures. Use the teeth whitening pencil as follows:

  1. Wipe your teeth with a dry sterile cloth after rinsing your mouth with water beforehand.
  2. Tooth sticks should be used to remove food debris. You may not brush your teeth before applying the product.
  3. After uncorking the pencil, turning the dispenser until the gel appears, you can apply it.
  4. Smile broadly and apply the gel thinly on top and bottom of teeth.
  5. If possible, hold your mouthopen for 2-5 minutes.
  6. The gel is removed with a tissue. You can not eat or drink for about 30 minutes. The instructions may say to rinse your mouth with water.

After applying the product, foam may appear, which is considered a normal reaction. According to reviews, a teeth whitening pencil usually has recommendations for use. An excellent result is ensured by the exclusion of tea, coffee, a drink with dyes and smoking.


Dentists recommend accurately maintaining the time of exposure to the gel. You should not keep the product on your teeth longer than it is fixed in the instructions. Usually this period is 1-12 minutes. If these recommendations are not followed, irritation may appear on the gums, mucous membranes, as well as a violation of the protective layer of enamel.

luxury white teeth whitening pencil
luxury white teeth whitening pencil

You also need to follow other rules:

  1. During the procedure, you should not relax your lips, close your mouth. All you need to do is smile broadly until your teeth whiten.
  2. Gel should not be swallowed as it is only cosmetic.
  3. You must also be careful not to get the product on the mucous membrane of the eye.

According to user reviews, the use of a pencil is quite simple. With proper precautions, the procedure is absolutely safe.

Probable Consequences

Some people want instant results and therefore use the pencil very often, which is not to be done. This can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. In some caseseven compliance with the dosage can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Exacerbation of tooth sensitivity. This feature is indicated in the instructions of many manufacturers. Especially unpleasant is the exacerbation of sensitivity during secondary use. Eliminate this will allow the use of special toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth.
  2. Enamel destruction. It occurs with excessive use, when there are cracks or caries on the teeth. A pencil will only make the situation worse.
  3. Conditional enamel lightening. It manifests itself in the inefficiency of the result or an insignificant effect. Then you need professional whitening, you need to exclude coffee, smoking.

Pencil is called a medical product, not a cosmetic product. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions in order to prevent negative consequences.


Judging by user reviews, this tool is effective and affordable. With it, it will be possible to achieve a noticeable result after just a few procedures. Dark plaque is eliminated, yellow stains from coffee, smoking disappear. The gel can even be distributed between the teeth. Key benefits include:

  1. Convenience and simplicity. Procedures can be performed anytime and anywhere. Due to the dispenser, you can adjust the amount of gel.
  2. Affordable price. Especially when compared to laser whitening.
  3. Safety. The procedure stretches for 2 weeks, so active substances, including hydrogen peroxide, are not harmful to enamel and teeth.
  4. Practicality and hygiene. ATWhitening pencils contain remineralizing and fluoride substances that protect teeth. It also contains antibacterial ingredients.
teeth whitening gel pencil
teeth whitening gel pencil

As evidenced by the reviews, almost all pencils are used in the same way. There may be only a few differences.


In addition to the advantages, whitening products also have disadvantages:

  1. The enamel layer is decreasing. This usually occurs if you do not consult a dentist before procedures.
  2. Sensitivity increases. Teeth become highly susceptible to irritants.
  3. Inconvenient to use. Although the tool is compact, not everyone can keep their mouth open for 1-10 minutes.
  4. Unpleasant sensations appear. Hydrogen peroxide can be aggressive, which is why many end up early.
white kiss teeth whitening pencil instructions
white kiss teeth whitening pencil instructions


In the manufacturing process, manufacturers use modern technology. You can use Chinese teeth whitening pencils. The instructions for them are about the same. It is required to observe the procedure time and safety requirements. The best include the following tools:

  1. Bright White. According to reviews, the tooth whitening pencil of this brand has an excellent effect. The volume of 2.5 ml includes 12% hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, mint oil, 1, 2-propylene glycol and triethanolamine. A noticeable result is achieved after 5 procedures. Increases after sessionstooth sensitivity. The price is 450-700 rubles.
  2. Teeth whitening pen. It is desirable to use it after professional whitening. After the procedure, the product does not need to be washed off. The cost is 700-1300 rubles.
  3. Luxury White. Teeth whitening pencil allows you to get an excellent result. Teeth change by 4-6 tones. The pencil dries quickly and does not need to be washed off. The price of the product is 1000-1800 rubles.
  4. HollywoodSmile. The main substance of the gel pencil for teeth whitening is acid peroxide, which penetrates into the deep layers of enamel, whitening from the inside and out. Whitening occurs by 3-4 tones if you use the product for 3 weeks. The cost is above 500 rubles.
  5. R. O. C. S. Removes stains from coffee, wine, cigarettes. Brushes are located on both sides of the pencil, which allows you to whiten the side of the teeth. The cost is 200-400 rubles.
  6. Bliq. The pencil is filled with a thick gel, so it does not spread over the gums. The whitening course is 2-3 weeks for 30 seconds for each session. Whitening occurs by 3-5 tones. The price can be 1700-2000 rubles.
  7. Yotuel whitening pen. The tool not only whitens, but also protects the enamel from destruction. It doesn't need to be washed off. The approximate cost is 400-500 rubles.
  8. White Kiss. Instructions for a pencil for whitening teeth are the same as for other products. They can whiten enamel in 10 days. The composition contains mineral-forming components that protect against increased sensitivity. The price is 900-1500 rubles.
Chinese teeth whitening pencil instructions
Chinese teeth whitening pencil instructions

Teeth whitening pencils allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. Plaque is removed from the enamel, the color changes by several tones. Teeth become much whiter and more attractive.
