Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction: concept, purpose, correction programs, goals and objectives

Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction: concept, purpose, correction programs, goals and objectives
Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction: concept, purpose, correction programs, goals and objectives

Interaction between an adult and a child is more active in a playful way. The most common form of play when working with a child is drawing. Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction has been used recently. It helps to express emotions to those people who are not ready to reveal their feelings.

What is isotherapy

During drawing, a person does not think about anything, he expresses his thoughts and feelings with the help of paints. This direction appeared in psychology in the middle of the 20th century and soon passed into the arsenal of teachers. With the help of isotherapy for children, negative emotions can be influenced.

Classes are especially relevant for children. Due to their age, they cannot express emotions, do not talk about experiences. During drawing, emotions that have not found a way out from the child go out. Good bright feelings appear.

children's drawing
children's drawing

Who needs isotherapy

Isotherapy allows the child to express himself. At this point, no one is in charge. drawings,change as the problem is solved. It is important for the teacher to save all the work of the baby in order to see progress in the future.

Main goals of isotherapy:

  • working through the thoughts that the child suppresses;
  • a person expresses thoughts that he cannot express because of fear or resentment;
  • at the end of the drawing, the psychologist must determine the area in which the child has trouble;
  • during the course, a person begins to control the situation, throws off the burden of problems and understatement;
  • relationships between people return to normal, stress is relieved during the lesson, the child understands and accepts himself.
expression of emotions
expression of emotions

This method is essential for children and adults:

  1. Disabled children who are cut off from the big world. The method allows you to see the positive moments.
  2. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder. They find an outlet for aggressive emotions.
  3. Kids who find it difficult to make contact with their peers.
  4. Children and adults in transitional stages of life. Going to school, transitional age, loss of a loved one - the reasons why isotherapy is needed.

Solvable children's problems

Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction allows you to resolve the internal conflict of the child. Bring out thoughts and feelings, solve psychological problems:

  • child learns to express his thoughts, talk about what worries him;
  • through drawing, children define dreams and desires that are often not voiced by adults;
  • knowledgeinner world, problem definition;
  • self-acceptance, finding ways to solve difficulties;
  • relieve stress, psychological stress;
  • Correction of the development of children with an individual education program.
work with a psychologist
work with a psychologist

Forms of isotherapy

When conducting classes, the teacher determines the form of training depending on the methods of isotherapy. 2 main forms of the technique are used:

  1. Passive form. The child is given a picture depending on the situation. You need to draw the same picture, but in your own way.
  2. Active form. The teacher does not set any tasks. The drawing is absolutely arbitrary, at the request of the baby. Based on imaginary objects, further interaction between the adult and the child is determined.

Most often, the teacher gives a task on a specific topic. It can be summer, family, New Year. Tasks for imaginative thinking require a flight of fantasy from the child. Such topics can be: "Good", "Peace".

Other methods of involving children in the process can be non-standard - colored spots, drawing with fingers, improvised materials.

Main stages of isotherapy

Art therapist builds communication in such a way that the child shares the feelings that arise when drawing. Isotherapy allows you to look at the conflict from the outside. The kid expresses himself while drawing. The isotherapy technology consists of several stages:

  1. The child together with the teacher or independently determines the topic on which he will draw. The task of an adultfollow the whole process of creating a picture on a sheet.
  2. At the next stage, the child tells what is shown in the picture. The mentor draws attention to the parallels that the child draws, to the mood with which the story goes. Attention is paid to details. If something in the picture causes negativity, then find out what it means for the baby.
  3. Psychologist describes his vision of the drawing.
  4. Adult and child discussing the painting together.
isotherapy lessons
isotherapy lessons

Pedagogical isotherapy

Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction is used in pedagogical activity. First of all, the method is aimed at the development, education and socialization of the individual. Care is required for emotional well-being, psychological he alth.

As a result of work, knowledge of oneself occurs. Improved relationships with peers. The child learns to analyze actions, to be more tolerant. While drawing, he experiences strong emotions, overcomes difficulties.

Children are in stressful situations more often than adults. Their psyche is not ready for constant stress. The situation is aggravated by improper upbringing, authoritarian style of parents, misunderstanding of peers.

Art therapy allows you to break away from reality, to feel like a magician. The child learns to experience negative emotions through drawing. The influence of fine arts on the psychological state is confirmed by the studies of psychologists, teachers, philosophers, psychotherapists.

Drawing allows you to protect yourself from whatinterferes with full development. Isotherapy - a method of symbols. Objects are depicted on a subconscious level, symbolizing images, fears, failures.

Isotherapy as a method of correction is used when working with children with various deviations. The beauty of the drawing does not matter. Everyone can feel like an artist. The teacher helps the child find a way out of the situation by drawing or modeling.

family drawing
family drawing

Preschool Isotherapy Program

At preschool age, a child learns to communicate with peers, perceive the world around him, create drawings on paper. The isotherapy program for preschoolers is an important stage in the development of the child and the formation of character.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the child, classes are held to correct his behavior. For a hyperactive baby, you can conduct a lesson with colorful leaves. The child is given sheets of paper and paint. It is necessary to make each sheet monophonic.

Clay painting is great for stress relief. On a blank sheet of paper with fingers dipped in clay, the child draws any picture.

To improve communication skills, you can ask the child to draw a circle, and inside draw everything that mom, dad and other close relatives want.

Aggressive child will suit the game "Crayons Race". The goal is to quickly draw dashes, whoever drew the most wins. Such a game allows you to throw out aggression and calm the raging baby.

Isotherapy for schoolchildren

At 7 years oldthere are significant changes in the life of the child. He is going to school. A new teacher, classmates and responsibilities to deal with. The task of isotherapy is to support the student, to help cope with a stressful situation. The following activities are suitable for this age:

  • drawing various doodles for a few minutes will relieve stress, switch;
  • drawing friends on wet paper helps to establish contacts in a new society, such drawing is suitable for children who feel uncomfortable with classmates;
  • if the child is afraid of new circumstances, invite him to fashion fear, over time, fear will begin to transform into a less scary monster.
art therapy for teenagers
art therapy for teenagers

Isotherapy for teenagers

Isotherapy as a method of psychological correction of adolescents is used less frequently than among younger students. At this age, some children are able to express emotions and pronounce fears. Adolescence is filled with physiological and psychological changes. During a crisis, the intervention of a specialist is required. Isotherapy will help in the prevention and treatment of difficult conditions.

To combat nervousness, a teenager can paint on anything they want. In this way, it is easier to calm down, understand your feelings. With low self-esteem, you can offer the teenager a finished picture, which should be supplemented with its own elements. Thus, the child will throw out emotions, sort out the thoughts that have accumulated. For normal development, the psychological he alth of a person is required.

If a teenager is aggressive towards others, cannot cope with emotions, then they offer to work with plastic material. Plasticine or clay will help him look at himself from different angles, accept him as he is.

Artistic talent has no value in isotherapy. The creative message is important, authenticity is secondary.

Isotherapy for adults

In crisis situations, an adult needs help. To withdraw aggression without harming others, you can use isotherapy. Creativity allows you to relax and unwind.

In case of severe stress, you can use modeling dough. Creativity will help. Making souvenirs for friends will relieve stress and give smiles to loved ones.

Creating collages or drawings allows you to relax from the accumulated problems. The magnification is great for those who prefer to complete tasks on the computer.

adult art therapy
adult art therapy

Drawing with strokes allows you to determine the mood of a person at the moment. Large strokes speak of confidence, stability of a person. Dark tones and small strokes indicate depression.

Psychologists recommend that older people engage in fairy tale therapy. The choice of character is up to the individual. It is important that fairy tales have a positive ending.

Exercise for kids

For the prevention of psychological problems, isotherapy exercises are used, aimed at the overall development of children without deviations:

  1. Draw yourself - a game that allows you to determine how a child sees himself insociety.
  2. Draw your fears - allows you to prevent stressful situations, find out the fears, anxieties of the child. Such a game will teach the child to behave in the future in critical situations.
  3. Draw the person you love. Most often, children portray their mother, but there are exceptions. In any case, the picture shows the relationship of the child to this person. If there are incompatible nuances, you should pay attention to the relationship. Similarly, they are asked to draw a family in which they pay attention to the relationship between its members.
  4. Creating a collage on the theme "My plans". Teaches the child to structure desires and think about how to achieve this.
