Glomus tumor: causes, symptoms and treatment

Glomus tumor: causes, symptoms and treatment
Glomus tumor: causes, symptoms and treatment

Glomus tumor is a benign neoplasm formed from glomus cells (arteriovenous anastomoses). It belongs to the group of neoplasms in the vessels. The mortality rate of patients who have been diagnosed with glomus tumors, on average, is six percent. The immediate cause of death is the local progression of this pathology. These tumors most often affect women. They are found mainly in middle age. However, in recent years, this disease is also found in young people.

glomus tumor
glomus tumor

Reasons for appearance

As is the case with a number of other oncological diseases, there are still no exact reasons for the formation of a glomus tumor. There is a controversial suggestion that her appearance causes trauma. Sometimes it is possible to detect the influence of heredity. It is worth noting that approximately eight percent of patients before the appearance of a glomus tumor had malignant tumors in various organs.

This educationIt is considered benign, that is, its degeneration is not observed. But at present, such a statement is no longer entirely unambiguous. There are reports of the transition of such tumors into malignant ones. If a person has constant noise in the ear and something incomprehensible is pulsing, it is urgent to see a doctor.

Dermatologists and oncologists believe that such neoplasms appear from glomus. More specifically, from the Sukets-Goyer canal, covered from the inside with endothelium, with glomus cells located around. The latter are able to contract, swell and stretch. Thus, they influence the width of the microvascular lumen. Glomus is also rich in innervation.

middle ear functions
middle ear functions

Description of neoplasms

Arteriolovenous anastomoses are present in the body almost everywhere. That is why we can say that a glomus tumor can appear in any organ. It mainly affects the phalanges of the fingers, as well as the region of the jugular fossa and middle ear. These neoplasms can be:

  • Single.
  • Multiple.

Multiple nodes are seen predominantly in children. A similar tumor sometimes occurs in the child's parents or other relatives. In this case, the tumors can be located in different parts of the body. They are distinguished from the pathologies of a single neoplasm by a rarer detection on the nail phalanx. They are also not characterized by intense pain.

Skin swelling

Glomus formation, located singly,outwardly it is a small round knot from 0.1 to 0.6 centimeters in diameter. The size of a glomus tumor is individual for everyone.

ringing in the ear pulsating
ringing in the ear pulsating

The node is located most often on the skin of the finger, mainly in the area of the nail bed. The knot is soft to the touch, it is formed in the inner epithelial layer of the finger, that is, deep enough. The shade of its color can vary from red to deep purple. In the presence of a tumor located in the internal organs, its size can be larger - up to fifteen centimeters. The symptoms of a glomus tumor are quite varied.

When the node is located under the nail, it is a rounded bluish or red spot, the size of which reaches 0.5 centimeters. When the pathology is located on the phalanges, it makes itself felt with paroxysmal pain. Unpleasant sensations may be too intense. It is worth considering that various stimuli affect its amplification.

Other symptoms

Along with the pain of the fingers, the following sensations can appear:

  • Fear.
  • Heat.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Hyperemia of the neck, head, face and other vegetative manifestations.

Middle ear glomus tumor is very common.

pulsing in the ear
pulsing in the ear

Tumor diagnosis

Most patients are worried about the appearance of gradually growing, painless, but pulsating masses on the neck. In some cases, there is a noticeable deterioration in the function of the meanear. In addition, the following symptoms are possible: difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness, a number of problems with the movement of the tongue. More often, in addition to noise, there is a pulsing in the ear - this creates a feeling.

Diagnosis begins with a thorough examination by the therapist of the medical history and a thorough examination of the affected area. This makes it possible to determine the location and size of the tumor, hypothetical anomalies in the nerves affected by the tumor. Also included in the diagnostic procedures is an examination of the ears, as it can help to see pathologies behind the eardrum.

Effective in making a diagnosis are MRI and CT. These methods allow you to determine the size of the tumor and distinguish any other formations.

Quite often, the results of tests in angiography (that is, the science that studies the functioning of the blood vessels in the neck) are used to determine the nature of the supply of blood to the tumor, as well as to determine the ways it circulates to the brain. In the vast majority of cases, a tumor biopsy cannot be performed before the start of the therapeutic course, as it can cause bleeding.

glomus tumor of the middle ear
glomus tumor of the middle ear

Varieties of neoplasms

The difference between glomus tumors from each other lies in what elements are predominantly located in them - nervous, muscular and arterial. Depending on this classification, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Neuromatous.
  • Angiomatous.
  • Epithelioid.

Multiple neoplasmssimilar to cavernous angiomas. They have much less epithelioid tissue.

Swelling in ear and jugular fossa

The disease often affects the jugular fossa and middle ear cavity. This is manifested by a decrease in labyrinth function and deafness. First, it pulses in the ear. Then the branches of the facial nerve are included in the process. If signs of neuritis of the facial nerve appear, then this is a confirmation of the long-term existence of the tumor and its involvement in the sphere of the jugular fossa.

hearing loss
hearing loss

In the region of the middle ear, tumors originate from glomus bodies located in the adventitial tissue at the bottom of the tympanic cavity of the jugular vein, as well as along the nerve of the same name. they also come from bodies located along the length of the vagus nerve and the ear branch related to it. The tumor node includes many capillary, arteriovenous anastomoses, and between them there are globus cells. Globe cells are sent to the tympanic cavity of the middle ear from the dome of the jugular vein. Then the tumor grows, eventually filling the cavity. There is a gradual hearing loss. The growth of the tumor continues, the eardrum begins to protrude, and subsequently collapses under the influence of the tumor.

What are patients complaining about?

When the neoplasm is located in the bulb or in the cape of the jugular vein, the pain syndrome does not get a strong expression. There are complaints from patients about what is pulsing in the ear. When conducting an examination in the early period, the absence of a defect in the tympanic membrane is detected. However, you can guessa section with a pulsation expressed in it.

Over time, the tumor increases in size, protrudes together with the tympanic membrane towards the outer ear from the middle. It is worth noting that at the same time it becomes very similar to a polyp. When examined in advanced stages, the middle ear bleeds from touch and has the appearance of a polyp. Also, the tumor can spread to areas of the inner ear, cranial cavity, cranial temporal bone.

You can also find a glomus tumor called paraganglioma. It is a slowly growing benign brain tumor originating from the paraganglionic cells of the internal jugular vein.

glomus tumor symptoms
glomus tumor symptoms

It is distinguished by vascular tangles with inclusions of glomus cells. Their growth often involves the caudal cranial nerves and blood vessels. The composition contains chromaffin cells, in some cases this is accompanied by active secretion of catecholamines.

Women are diagnosed six times more often than men. On average, the disease is detected at age 55 and older. These neoplasms are detected extracranially or intracranially. Patients have reduced hearing, ringing in the ears, facial muscle paresis, and labile blood pressure. If the case is started, then signs of compression of the brain stem are revealed.

Features of treatment

In most cases, treatment is surgical. Glomus formations are characterized by low sensitivity to radiation therapy. However, in some cases it is recommended. Problems with electrocoagulationare not resolved. After a certain time, a relapse occurs.

Although glomus tumors of the brain and some other organs are defined as benign, surgery is difficult to treat because they have a strong blood supply. Therefore, there is a risk of serious blood loss. So, if during the operation of the finger the danger is not too high, then in the inner ear and behind the wall it is higher, which is explained by the adjacent vital structures. A fairly high risk of damage. This is especially true for large tumors included in the oncological process.

In some cases, radiation treatment and surgery are combined. It is recommended to perform an operation if the pathological process is located only in the middle ear. If surgery fails to eliminate the entire tumor, then additional radiation may be needed.

When a tumor penetrates the cranial cavity and destroys bone tissue with its help, only radiation therapy is performed.

Unable to operate

If the tumor has grown further than the middle ear, then the operation cannot be done. When the pathology of the canal of the carotid artery is captured by the pathology, a Cooper cryosurgical probe is used. In order to avoid too much blood loss during the operation period, it is necessary to achieve low blood pressure.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to distinguish between such tumors:

  • Dermatofibroma.
  • Angiomyoma.
  • Nerve tissue oncology.
  • Blue weight.
  • Leiomyoma.


Gamma Knife radiosurgery has been used to treat tumors since the mid-nineties. Neoplasms are well detected by MRI and rarely invade the brain. Therefore, this type of treatment is very suitable. Radiation therapy is given for 4-6 weeks with a long postoperative recovery, and radiosurgery usually takes 1 day. Gamma Knife has submillimeter stereotaxic accuracy, which allows to achieve good control of tumor growth. There are no relapses, complications are minimal, and mortality is zero.

Radiosurgery can also be successfully applied to patients who suffer from tumor recurrence after radiation therapy. Today, this method is a priority not only for the treatment of residual and recurrent neoplasms, but also as a primary therapy.


If the diagnosis was made early, and the tumor was removed in a timely manner, then the prognosis of the outcome of the treatment of the disease becomes favorable. The functions of the middle ear are fully restored.
